Amazon Drivers Heavy Handed
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Might have been covered but is anybody noticing Amazon deliveries being thrown over gate , door not knocked. Today I went to door when me camera went and yes over fence n 6 broken white sauce it’s like throw and run now

Leannexxx you shouldn’t have to it seems a lot of postage/delivery companies are just getting worse

No ours seem ok. But it helps that we have a door camera so I guess they don’t want to be reported

hspexy and I do lol hence how I first started seeing what they were doing lol your lucky guess some don’t notice camera

paulamanning lol yes it’s usualLy down to if they think they'd get into trouble. All our neighbours have cameras too so I guess it’s deters them from behaving badly

hspexy you got me thinking I’ll stick a note on gate saying your on camera cuz me and neighbour have doorbell cameras lok

paulamanning that’s a good idea to let them know. If they’re aware, they may take better care

paulamanning my cousin caught an Amazon driver on camera being heavy handed - rang the doorbell and then tossed the package and buggered off before anyone came to the door. Rude and unacceptable

Yes we was in waiting for the parcel when a guy got out of his van and thrown over our back garden we had it on camera when we opened the parcel the poor dinner service was all smashed I don't think this guy could read handle with care

Thankfully I’ve never had them throw them over gate or anything like that but i have had it where they’ve knocked the door, left parcel on step and when I’ve got to door they’re already driving off

There must be some sort of bonus for delivering at a higher rate as sometimes it seems like as soon as you open the door the van is driving off and the parcel is just left at the door.

BonzoBanana there is a bonus but Amazon don’t seem to care we have to keep claiming for smashed items.

They just leave ours in the doorstep and ring the bell, that’s fine if we’re in but if we’re not then it could be stolen or get wet/damaged.
I don’t think amazon care really, they’d rather have stuff delivered quickly and pay for any theft it seems.

jms19 yea because although I choose a time and day it don’t happen so you can’t rely on it, but ya right

We have had issues with delivery drivers too,we have our Cat Food delivered by Amazon, also Cat Biscuits but not together, I walked home to find our parcel of 3x40 pouches on front step in full view of passerby

I nearly fell over a parcel which was wedged under my back door one day as I stepped out to go to the shops,nearly broke my ankle!

My daughter owns a pub and a few years ago a delivery company used to throw ordered food for the kitchen over the gate in the morning. That was bad enough but they didn’t tell anyone they had delivered! It all went back.

The delivery driver kicked our gate open because his hands were full and broke the gate off the hinges, he didn’t even knock for us to get the parcel, he just put it on the step and rushed back to his van

JulieTurne55740 omg well you can claim if contact Amazon with pictures honest no care in the world

paulamanning Thanks Paul but I didn’t think, hubby has repaired it now, so no photographic evidence .

Yes delivery drivers are terrible. Normal deliver to wrong address. I can't have anything delivered to my home address have everything delivered to a locker instead much less stress.

lately amazon can't even be bothered to dump it on the doorstep and run; they've been dumping the parcels behind the gate in the front garden. just throwing them over and running back to the van. The last parcel had a glass bottle and how it didn't break, I do not know.

compingonly yeah mine was 6 bottles of white sauce this week and to be fair wonder if they throw their own over gates lol

Another driver said my parcel was delivered AND handed to the resident but we never received the parcel, trying to sort that out now

I don’t know where you live but the drivers don’t do that here. Normally it’s a bang at the door or doorbell and leave on doorstep.

Love to hear the comments - However would you do the job for the pittance they get paid ? Only a couple of poor deliveries in my experience from several hundred .

My delivery is often left on the doorstep and sometimes they don't even attempt to ring the bell or knock the door. I suppose like many delivery companies they have so many deliveries and are under such pressure that they try to save time wherever they can.

Quite good up my end.Only once had a 3kg jar of honey broken .That was very sticky indeed.

My delivery drivers are useless. Never knock just dump it at the door. I've a massive box outside my door and some can't be bothered to put it in the box, unless it's my neighbours stuff. Thankfully I get on with them and have told them to always check our box for their stuff. I've taken their stuff into ours and opened it before now as I stupidity assumed it was mine and had to explain my mistake to them. My neighbour didn't want to into my box initially but I told her to it's fine and I don't mind. They have their own box right outside theirs. Delivery drivers have put my neighbour stuff right where it gets rained on or the parcel is open and stuff inside gers wet so if no answer I pop it in my box and leave a note for them

Jerseydrew exactly this! I know they don’t paid much but we work to pay for the items and lately smashed/damaged Amazon say they are monitoring drivers

paulamanning thankfully we get on with our neighbours. What's worse is we get mail for others. The 2 companies that deliver amazon stuff get funny about it. I tell them it's outside and I'm not touching it and it may get nicked or soaked. We've had it where things have gone to the wrong address and the persons been told to go get it. One put her foot down and refused as its someone they don't get on with so made the delivery company go get it and deliver it properly. Someone else basically got abuse for trying to retrieve their parcel and amazon had to refund them because the delivery company refused to sort it

Luckily our neighbours are good and yeah I’ve noticed Royal Mail parcel force and Hermes here delivering Amazon

Yeah this has happened before, I ordered some books dad closed the gate and I was looking out the window see when will arrive and as I was walking to gate threw it right over in front of me and drove off! So angry did make a complaint
But have not had any problems since

SilverSurfer I totally understand has we know a few drivers but I work hard to pay for those items

paulamanning work as hard as you want for the items but will it keep happening again and again until Amazon provides decent working conditions

So this Sunday just gone I had my Amazon Delivery just dropped over the front gate.
Finally flipping, I contacted Amazon and told them I hadn't received the parcel, and amazingly they have refunded me.
So here is my moral quandary - do I return the item I had to retrieve from the driveway? or do I keep it and the refund?

blacklabrador my partner said keep it Amazon don’t care about customers, see me I cudnt but guess they claim on insurance

paulamanning I'm torn to be honest, but If I don't return it it may cause Amazon to actually investigate the driver and find out why his/her delivery went missing.
Because if He/She is tardy with my delivery the chances are He/She cuts corners with other customers too.

blacklabrador oh my partner would say they investigate nothing the same driver kept throwing it over my gate, and they still took no notice

paulamanning It usually happens on a Sunday to me, which makes me think it's the same delivery person.
So I guess If Amazon are happy to lose money they should just carry on.

If they break it ,so easy to return ! All the moaners should imagine having to do that job for a pittance of a wage ! Of course we are all perfect - Are we ?

intherealworld no Amazon only allowing so many returns or refunds. It’s not about being perfect it’s called respecting peoples property. You order a telly n driver just throws it would you be Impressed

paulamanning Never had a problem with returns . Probably as I've returned just 3 out of several hundred orders in 15 or 20 years (none due to mishandling , although I've had a few left out in the rain etc but the contents were fine ). To be honest I would never order a tele from Amazon as they can always be found cheaper with better warranty elsewhere (eg John Lewis , Richer sounds , etc etc who will always price match Amazon ) .
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