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Amazon - Sorry We Missed You for a Click and Collect Order!


I had this email yesterday and then I realised it was a click and collect order and not coming to my home at all but to a shop that is open all business hours, Wh Smiths. How on earth could they dare to pretend Wh Smiths weren't available to take the parcel? A huge shop with their doors always open during the day. Amazon delivery services can be a bit ridiculous to say the least. So for those who question whether such delivery services turn up when you get such messages then surely this is the proof that no delivery attempt has been made.



a week ago
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Some of them probably just too lazy to even attempt to delivery it. saw the rain and thought ‘nope I’m not gonna bother’


They tell more porkies than pinocchio B


It's probably irrelevant but WH Smiths plan to close/sell 500 stores in UK this year.


SebK84 I read that report to. They are no longer interested in the high street, their real profit comes from airports, railway station shops etc. Travel related. Who would want such shops when the government has shown no interest in pushing more taxes onto online sellers and reducing them on the high street to make it more fair and in the interests of our economy? I suspect Wh Smiths will struggle on for a few years just closing more and more shops on the high street. I go into Wh Smiths all the time to post parcels but never bother to look at their stuff for sale, I just assume it will be too expensive. When I used to buy magazines a lot I was always in their buying them but that is like 15 years ago or more.


BonzoBanana They were into travel in 1848 B

Established in 1792, WHSmith's first store was opened by Henry Walton Smith and his wife Anna in Little Grosvenor Street, London. A few decades later, WHSmith opened the first ever travel retail store in London's Euston station in 1848


telmel The travel retail side of the business seems to be performing well but unfortunately the high street is barely profitable and for some stores unprofitable.


I had exactly the same message with an order due to be delivered to the local post office. It did arrive the following day though.


Pjran I've since had a message that both my items for click and collect have now arrived but I still find the message amusing as it clearly isn't true unless my Wh Smiths have staff that occasionally lock the doors and hide from delivery men on a normal business day.


Someone needs to get fired for not doing his job.


I've had this before, on a few occasions it's so frustrating isn't it. That's why we use a click and collect location.


I've noticed that this will usually when the place that the parcel has to be delivered to is closed and that the parcel will be redelivered the next day, I'd imagine that this would happen when a new driver has been added to an unfamiar route as I quite often notice that the estimated arrival times can change dramatically each day.


Wait until they start drone deliveries in your area. They have been given the go-ahead for tis service from Darlington, you have to live within 7.5 miles and pre-approved that you have a 'landing pad' area where you can put a mat out for drone to drop parcel. What will they come up with next.


I've had a similar message a couple of times recently when delivering to Amazon lockers it says couldn't access the lockers so will delivery the next day. I've no idea how this could ever be the case. I think the driver just wants to finish early.


KAW18 Here in Yeovil we have some Amazon lockers in the Quedam shopping centre but you wonder how delivery drivers access them as normally to get into the Quedam you have to pay parking except on Sundays, the minimum they charge you is for 1/2hr parking. There are places further away you can park for maybe 10 minutes but that would involve quite a long walk to the lockers.


BonzoBanana I assume the Amazon drivers will have security passes to allow them access to shopping centers even when closed.


I quite often get Amazon deliveries up to 9 or 10 pm (I assume WH Smith and many other shops, even Supermarkets would be closed by then ?) . There is also the question of the driver's legal limit to driving hours .

I doubt Amazon check the state of the route before loading the van so surely it is inevitable that many routes cannot be accomplished during winter weather . Snow ,Ice ,Floods, trees across roads , diversions etc etc .

I'm sure I wouldn't want to do this poorly paid job to keep food on the table . Cut them some slack ! You don't know what they encountered on their route


intherealworld I agree and that would be fine if there said delayed due to bad weather. But mine sometimes says can't deliver due to not been able to access the lockers. This is untrue there's nothing that can block your access where my local Amazon lockers are located. That's the point I was making and BonzoBanana was making the same point there couldn't have missed him when he wasn't having it delivered to his home address but was having delivered to a WHSmiths store. It's lies that annoy me.


Have i got the only fantastic Amazon delivery guy in the world?

I am disabled and asked him to put my parcels just inside the hallway. I’m not dim and over trusting of people - my cctv videos any movement on the camera and with the push of one button i can set the alarms off in seconds.

He always shouts to tell me thats its him and exactly where he has put the parcel etc etc. he is one of life’s genuinely nice people.

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