Arnold Schwarzenegger Films
There is a Arnold Schwarzenegger Film Season starting on the TV channel 5 Spike (channel 31 on Freeview) tonight at 9pm. The first film in the season will be The Last Stand.
What is your favourite Schwarzenegger film?
I'm going to go with the first The Terminator film
Although I have watched a few of his films i don't have a favourite. I actually do not think he could act his way out of a paper bag. Came to fame due mainly to his physique and suitability for those type of roles.
Really? Not even Terminator 2? T2 is easily one of the best movies ever done in the history of films.
Terminator is really good but not as T2. Terminator 3-5 are just barely watchable and it would have been better if they didn't exist since it's an insult to the Terminator franchise.
Rockman I enjoyed the Terminator films when they first came out and Arnie is a likeable guy. I am not so much judging the films as his actual acting ability. I could not see him acting in a really in depth, emotional part where he really had to act his socks off, but there are many actors exactly the same who are really the same character in every film they star in.
I agree Arnold Schwarzenegger is unlikely to win any awards for acting. However, he does have good screen presence and many of his 80s and early 90s films are innovative and a lot of fun. I'm not a fan of most of his work from the mid-90s on. Although, his acting has improved a little over time. In my opinion his acting is probably best in the film Maggie (2015).
Hi acr jungle all the way I think that's it's name it's were Arnold Schwarzenegger go's all over the town to get his son this toy. But all shops are out. And he knows his son wants this toy. It's very good film and funny. But it's not on very offen. Which is sad.. Hope it's on this channel.
Hi Nicola, it is on film4 on Monday at 4.55pm and Jingle all the Way 2 , which did not star Arnie, was released in 2015 but is not on tv yet.
Lynibis thank you I did not know there were jingle all the way 2. Thanks for telling me. See if it's out on DVD. Once again thank you.
Mine is Terminator 2! I can't imagine him as a baddie - he is hilarious in all the comedies he does, like Twins and True Lies. It is funny to see how his script develops as his English improves - he barely speaks in his earliest movies!
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