Best Cheap Way to Clean Earrings
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I have a tendency to leave earrings in for a long time. I changed them yesterday and they was rather dirty. I'd like to clean them before putting them back in but funds are short is there a low cost way of cleaning them?

Not really low cost but when I clean mine I tend to just wipe them clean with a cloth in TCP. But a medium bottle of TCP costs about £5. It will last a long time though and is good for minor medical things. It’s antiseptic. Otherwise just soapy water.

JLouM that sounds like a good idea with going in my ear might get some next month but need very cheap for this month unfortunately

If they are gold then a little washing up liquid with warm water don't use if they are sliver and you can buy jewellery cleaner pretty cheap my dad uses is all the time

Best way is to soak them in warmer soapy water and dry using a clean lint free cloth but a tissue will do.

Pjran I have those in the house and with the design a soak probably be best. They have a little tree design in a circle

I’ve just been dousing them in my endless supply of sanitiser gels. Ive gotten loads over the years from work and it’s been used for many things

hspexy will antibacterial gel work I have some everywhere. I do need to put some back in coat pocket

I just use washing up liquid, warm water and a toothbrush but don’t scrub too hard, just a few gentle brushes

KateGriff169 I always keep a old cheap toothbrush for fiddly dirty jobs come in quite handy

I also leave my earrings in for a long time. I usually just wash them with antibacterial hand soap - just what I have on the bathroom sink, and sometimes a toothbrush to clean the holes.

I suggested warm soapy water but I should have added not if they’re pearl studs. My pearl dropped off!

Pjran they do have small pearls. Very small I'm now wondering if my antibacterial phone cleaner will help after little scrub
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