Best Shop Bought Hot Chocolate?
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I love a good creamy hot chocolate, and wondered if anyone had any suggestions of ones worth trying? Currently use Cadbury drinking chocolate which is good, but wouldn't if anyone has found one that's better? Hotel Chocolat do one that's quite pricey, but may be worth it if it's very good. So anyone tried this one?
You could also try Valor Cao a La Taza, it's a thick and creamy Spanish hot chocolate that is also used for dipping churros into - (it also available in a bar form)
Rococo Chocolates, Plain Organic Drinking Chocolate Tin -
Charbonnel et Walker, Original Drinking Chocolate -
William Curley -
I usually get the basic hot chocolate that you supposed to add just got water but instead I mix with a hot full fat milk and is always nice and creamy
I usually mix the powder with milk and then top up with hot water, but tbh I have found each one I have tried to be far too sweet.
I just buy the value hot chocolate and use full fat milk to make it creamy and thick. Always worked for me.
Here you go – the best decadent hot chocolate. It looks like Tesco (No.4) wins on the price front.
1 Charbonnel et Walker The Chocolate Drink
Score: 79/100
2 Asda Extra Special Indulgent Drinking Chocolate
Score: 79/100
3 Sainsbury's Taste the Difference Drinking Chocolate
Score: 77/100
4 Tesco Instant Hot Chocolate
Score: 76/100
5 Marks & Spencer Drinking Chocolate
Score: 75/100
6 Cadbury Original Drinking Chocolate
Score: 74/100
7 Waitrose Luxuriously Rich Drinking Chocolate
Score: 73/100
8 Twinings Swiss Chocolate Drink
Score: 70/100
9 Whittard Luxury Hot Chocolate
Score: 71/100
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They missed out the Aldi Choceur which is 95p -and not only is it really good value - but the plastic lid is a perfect fit for standard sized opened cans (beans etc)
The plastic jar shape is the same as the Tesco's.
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