Brita Filtered Water vs Bottled Water?
Brita filtered water vs bottled water? Can you actually tell the difference?
I don't really see the point spending extra for bottled water.
Been using water filter jugs for years as I try to stay away from buying plastic bottles as much as possible. Always been happy with the filters I bought. You can use it to make tea and coffee too so your water isn't as hard as from the tap.
Some people use filters like PUR or Brita to filter tap water at home. These filtering processes can achieve a similar level of purity to bottled purified drinking water, but filtering is much cheaper and doesn't have the negative environmental effects of bottling. Brita reports that its most expensive filtering setup produces purified water at about 18 cents a gallon, compared to about $1 a gallon for the cheapest bottled water. The thing to look out for with filters is maintenance -- if you don't change the filter regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions, contaminants might build up in it, causing your filtered tap water to actually be less pure than it was before you filtered it.
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