Are Car Boot Sales worth Selling At?
I am selling at a car boot on Sunday. Are they really worth it?
£6 entry fee.
Would love to hear some opinions and also hear any success stories

I did selling at a car boot yesterday, made approx £200.
When setting up, make sure you have enough room for you to move around, and perhaps place a chair. Also use under the table to display your items too!
Price your items a few quid higher than what you want, as people will haggle!
I found that high value items do not really sell well, so stick those online to sell.
If you have a lot of small, in expensive things, say worth less than a £1, stick them in a box and label it a bargain box...let people rummage through it!
If it's going to be a hot sunny day, take plenty of fluid, sun cream and perhaps a parasol or umbrella you can rest on your car roof and car door to give you some shade. Remember to take plenty of change and any carrier bags. I took lunch with me, so no worries about food.
When setting up, you will no doubt get people coming up to you and asking if your selling any particular items...up to you if you decide to look for it. Just say to them yes, but come back in a while so you can set up. If they don't buy it, I'm sure someone else will.
Also, have a bit of banter with the customers...keep them at your stall a bit longer, others will see a gathering and come over to see whats going on, and hopefully buy, buy, buy!
Offer them a discount too if they buy more than 1 item...for example, 2 items at £3 each, just say to them you can have both for a fiver!
Good luck!

lizzie95xx Thanks, and no doubt, I'm sure you will!
Oh, forgot to add, don't forget your pasting table!

Last one did was dreadful, I only just made my pitch fee back and the tiny £2 profit was spent by the kids on snacks. For me it was a lot of effort for nothing. In future i’ll stick with shpock, gumtree and eBay.
All the sellers were complaining there was very little footfall as another more popular car boot was running on the same day. I didn’t know this before I got there.
I had to take everything back home, it was a pain.
Best of luck with your Carboot I hope you do much better.o

It all depends on the location, weather, customers and prices you end up pricing what you have. These days I don't even bother with carboot sales since it's hard to actually find a good deal, most of the time it's kind of garbage (cables, valueless hardware, banged up toys, etc) that's being sold.
Well, that's in my opinion, of course. Who knows, you might end up being lucky like Metrovski.

Hiya All , It was a slightly rainy day so possibly could have put people off but I managed to make a clear profit of £52. I got £72 in total really pleased for a few hours. Was great fun xx

Nice one! I'm sure the rain would have prevented people from going, but wait for the next hot day and do it then! Pleased it went well for you.
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