Carrier Bag Licker Cat!
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Any cat lovers in the Latest Deals Community know why my little black cat Phoenix licks carrier bags & plastic bags ?
Does any of your cats do this or is Phoenix one on his own?
Any help appreciated..

Found this on google J
It could be a compulsive disorder called wool sucking amongst other things

I have five cats and none of my have every done this but I don’t tend to leave carrier laying around. They do love a paper primark bag to hide in.

eyeballkerry ...It's the overhang on the Bin Liners Phoenix licks mostly,I tend to put the excess in the lip of our bin so he doesn't do it..
We don't leave carrier bags lying around either but sometimes when we are unpacking Phoenix is around trying to lick the bag which we move straight away...

janphoenix51 Cats are so nosey and inquisitive. Like I said we have five cats and one is not afraid of anything so always the first to stick his nose into something new.

We had a cat that sucked on clothing, we couldn't leave anything out because he'd sit on it and start sucking until it was wet through , weird...

No not my cat, nor previous either. Never heard anything like it very strange habit. My cat has suckled clothing whilst prodding paws when was little .

LL81 We have five cats and one is a bit of a dribbler. She loves snuggling up and dribbling all over me. When they are prodding or kneading it means they are at ease or making biscuits!

Our cat used to lick supermarket carrier bags. The vet said something about the starch that's on them. Wasn't harmful apparently no harm seemed to come to our cat.

Not plastic bags but one of my Cats is a real hair bobble muncher! lol. Whether it’s a normal hair bobble or an elastic band, he hunts them out to chomp on. He’s also got a penchant for charging cables too, but that’s a common occurrence with Cats.

My old boy used to lock bags. He was thick. He ate 2 sets of fairy lights, lily, poinsettia and roses as well

Jinky67 ...Cats AREN'T idiots,cats are beautiful intelligent creatures, yes they do silly things,just as you & I do...

Yes my cat cant resist nibbling plastic bags. He seems fascinated by them and will pull them out the bin. Not sure why, so I’d like to know also

hspexy ...Yep,I have to put the handles of the bin liner inside the pedal bin & hide the overhang under the lid to stop my little black cat Phoenix from licking it.

janphoenix51 my cat will usually claw the bags and drag them out - he’s so fascinated by plastic, I haven’t a clue why as he’s the only cat I have who has this habit

A lot of plastics contain animal fat and the cat can taste it. My cat absolutely loves plastic bags, have to make sure she can't get to them
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