Christmas Jumper
well christmas day will soon be here what do u wear on the important day ? do you dress up for all your guests or because your visiting families houses for your christmas dinner or are you one of those families who all have to wear a different christmas jumper every year? x to me the thought of wasting money just for one day by buying a new jumper that u wear once is stupid but my friends do it every year and have a competition among the famiy whose is the best one .... ill skip what about u ? x
I knitted a red jumper so that will do for Christmas day. Then I can wear it has a every day jumper. Its just a plain jumper. Last year I knitted a green jumper and it's still going strong. I do not see the point in buying these jumpers. First of you can only wear it once. Then it's got to go away UNTILL next year. And buy then you have falling in love with anther jumper. I would never waste my money. I saw a Christmas jumper going for £500 pound and it looked no differ to a cheaper one. Some people just wast there money. If they are wasting there money they can send it my way I would make good use of it. Ah ah ah xx
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