Christmas Trees up Already
wassup with people putting christmas trees up already ? its crazey and some of them have real ones ... they will be bald when its christmas day .. and will have to take it down ... its madness
I put my tree up on the 1st of december and take it down on 6th January.. jojo you me laugh when you said the Christmas tree will be bald by Christmas day. Yes a lot of people are doing it now.. in minute they will be putting them in August like the shops. It's just crazy. The meaning of Christmas has gone. When I was little it started the last week of November.
Your right i think its just a race who can put it up first . Mine going up on 8th when my friend does it for me x ive asked her just in case my fibro bad cause when its bad i cant lift my arms .n thats early for me .but lord above my neighbourhas had theirs up since 1st of november xx
Perhaps they just want to put it up now so there's less hassle later, or they're busy people and just want to get it over and done with.
This is the first Year i am considering putting it up in November (this weekend) I have noticed lots of people have theirs up already and I am busy for the two weekends after so may as well join in lol
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