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CIA Says Lab Leak Most Likely Source of Covid Outbreak

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Well it seems after over 4 years of speculation that the wet markets in Wuhan caused covid we are finally seeing the truth

I never believed bats or other meat could cause such a devastating virus that could mutate so much and cause so many deaths

The WHO only conducted a half hearted investigation too long after the event and where there was enough time for a cover up

Despite the huge number of deaths and the economic devastation caused all over the world , i doubt China will ever be punished over this

The world should be compensated, but as we all depend on them for production of most things we use it will never happen

And they will continue to deny responsibility


2 weeks ago
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If I get time over the weekend I'm going to watch "Thank you Dr Fauci" documentary film, just out of interest, no doubt this it was leaked from a lab, this is bio warfare of the future


martinlufc5637 Where will i find this M, is it on netflix ?


telmel no, I have it on firestick, but you can watch it here on your phone and cast to your TV, I think this has ads though , not sure if link will work, I'll try something else if not, a few interesting documentaries on this page



martinlufc5637 Thanks M , i will give it a watch later


martinlufc5637 Thanks for the recommendation. I will be checking this out later, i'm sure it will be very enlightening.


Well it seemed like the obvious answer, a lab where they studied that specific virus is the where the outbreak occurred.

Problem is they can’t actually do much about it.


jms19 I don't doubt there are other labs in other countries doing similar experiments J , but it was gross negligence that China let this virus escape , funny though, the rest of the world suffered much more than they did economically , so who knows if it was accidental or deliberate

You might think that's not possible, as many of their own died , but you only have to look what Putin is doing sacrificing his own soldiers , more so the Koreans now

But as you say what can be done , not much


telmel China hid the devastation caused in China by this virus as they often do with disasters. Firstly there was a huge, huge drop in the number of people who had phone contracts, i.e. because they had died they were no longer subscribing plus relatives were getting urns full of ash from crematoriums, where as normally the ash only fills a small part of the urn, China was mixing up the ash from bodies and using urns to dispose of it because they had so much ash and people in China were complaining about it. China did not warn the rest of the world about it because they didn't want to take responsibility for it but it hit them hardest and was far earlier than people realised. They could have helped the world deal with covid by giving clear warnings and telling us who was the most vulnerable but they didn't.

I remember looking to South Korea, they had to deal with it pretty early and had decent medical expertise that they were willing to share. I immediately started taking higher doses of Vitamin D and Zinc but I listened to the NHS and didn't take the very high doses I should of but still reckon that saved my life but was still in hospital 4 times, 3 times on oxygen. I wonder if I took higher doses at the beginning, many times that the NHS recommended if I would have avoided going into hospital completely.

China is a country where there are little safeguards. Many products sold are unsafe and they put profit before safety. Hygiene is terrible, dangerous chemicals are used. Diseased and expired food is reprocessed so it can be sold etc. It must be a frightening place to live especially if you have children. Factory workers often end up with cancer from a young age because they are exposed to deadly chemicals.


BonzoBanana Thanks for all that info B, it's actually worse than i thought , especially after watching that video, i would never go to China and chance eating food there after watching this

The only thing missing is that China is the most polluting country in the world , pumping out in excess of 9.9 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions


telmel yeah china covered up the impact on it's citizens and economy, I personally absolutely believe it was released deliberately, I even think the Chinese government sent infected people to Europe the US ect...


martinlufc5637 I personally didn't think they released it deliberately and I think those who carried it out of the lab then died so I don't think they would have done that on purpose. I feel like most countries they have germ warfare research but China does it on the cheap and proper safeguards cost money which they won't pay. I feel if China ever develops a virus that only effects caucasian or African descent people it probably will get released but such viruses could well mutate anyway and effect people of Chinese ethnicity later. China is keen to rule the world and if they could knock back the rest of the world's population by 70% I could see them doing it.


It's happened now what's done is done time to move on covid is out and it's not going anywhere I still believe they let it out on purpose because we are over populated


Why countries have to do this is beyond me. Why even manufacture viruses to kill mankind? Chances are it will affect makers as well as victims worldwide. Haven't we learned anything in millennia why do we keep devising ways to kill each other, it makes my blood boil. I hope there is somewhere better to go when I shuffle off this mortal coil.


Just finished watching the documentary ''Thank you Dr Fauci '' , what an eye opener !!

Total corruption and lies by leading figures in the USA concerning covid and the lab leak and leading figures that have invested in various laboratories including Wuhan , no wonder it was all kept quiet !!

People really need to watch this to see how we were all fooled by these people and how people made billions out of the pandemic

Thanks M for the heads up and the link


I've joked about it being bats but yeah always knew it was man made. Now I'm not sure if it was leaked on purpose or by accident

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