Another Day,another Stabbing!
In the News
I'm in shock,this lunchtime in Sheffield there is a school in lockdown after a pupil was stabbed by another pupil...
This is my daughter's old Catholic School, All Saints near Sheffield Railway Station...
Never in my life would I expected to hear such bad news,when will the perpetrators STOP carrying knives..
Thank god our daughter left 10 years ago!

Until sentences fit the crimes, nothing will change, there is no deterrent, slap on the wrist is all they get, carrying a knife should be an automatic 5 year sentence

martinlufc5637 ...
The lad died just over 20 minutes ago according to our daughter who also told me that she wasn't surprised about the stabbing at her old school saying that since she left she's heard that All Saints wasn't what it used to be..
Soo sad for both pupils families & everyone concerned..

janphoenix51 very sad, unfortunately catholic schools have gone down hill big time, all my children except my youngest all went to Catholic juniors & High schools , we noticed over the years how much they were changing, my youngest isn't in a catholic school anymore.

Metal detector gates at each secondary school will surely solve the problem.
This country is heading in the wrong direction with all this knife crime but I am not surprised because parents are scared to discipline kids. Soon it will become next USA where right now there are 2millions kids homeschooled.

Primary school pupil in our local council area took a knife into school last week. Luckily no one was hurt but it is terrifying to think that it happened.

This is scary that it is happening so much lately and especially in schools. I am glad schools have now got this lockdown in place but it must be horrendous for everybody when it happens.

We sadly have to deal with people who have been stabbed in London daily some days we get 1 other days we get a few in a & e I like so many of my colleagues have lost count the number of times we sadly had to tell familys there loved ones have passed away. The government wants to look people up for carrying knives for no reason other than to be used as weapons R..I.P to this young lad and thought's and prayers to his family and friends
Sadly he's just become another number

jdible ...Yes he has,H. was only 15 & my daughter 's friend told her that his brother L was in their year group although my daughter can't remember him..It's 10 years since she left All Saints Catholic High School..
I take my hat off to you & your colleagues for all that you do
,I couldn't do your job..x

Poor lad's name already being touted all over FB ,my sister has just told me as I'm visiting her on my day off as it's my brother in law's birthday..
We wish people would just leave the families to grieve in peace..

Unfortunately when I here knife crime now, such as how the world is, I’m genuinely not surprised no more

Stabbings unfortunately may be a daily occurrence in my area but most are not reported. They used to do more stop and searches but due to backlash you don’t see it happening as much these days

PhilipMarc ...Yes,this was the Catholic School my partner & I choose to send our daughter to,it used to be a good school,our daughter has good memories of her schooling at All Saints Catholic High..
My partner & I were shocked to hear that H. was stabbed & lost his life because someone decided to take a knife into school,H's brother L was in our daughter's year she found out yesterday from a friend she went to school with..
Yet another life lost to Knife Crime,sooo incredibly sad,another family in mourning ..
Rest in peace H. W. xx

Nothing is worse than a child being killed. But I do think that the emphasis was put in completely the wrong place. It doesn’t matter how many shops do or dont sell knives to kids. All the kids have to do is grab a knife from their own home.
Metal detectors would be a good idea - but the police need more power to stop and search. Then any child found with a knife on them needs an automatic prison sentence - regardless of whether it has been used or not. A real deterrent is needed. The peer pressure amongst kids almost turns them into sheep. FOMO. Fear of missing out. They feel ashamed if 4 out of their 10 best mates carry knives - then they will too. Its a very sad world.
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