Death Sentence
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Axel Rudakubana sentenced to minimum of 52 years in jail. Axel Rudakubana, 18, will be jailed for a minimum of 52 years, the Judge says.
For this shocking and upsetting Case, could an argument be made for the return of the Death Sentence?
The guilty perpetrator has shown no remorse for his brutal actions and the cost of keeping him in prison for a minimum of 52 years will be extremely high.
Should there be a reintroduction of the Death Sentence in this Case?

Even if it was reintroduced, which is highly unlikely, he would still be in prison for a number of years before execution. Also the methods of execution are expensive and you would need to use one that is humane.
I have taught about the Death Penalty for 10 years, in that time a number of countries have abolished it or abstained from using it.

Totally agree with what MrsCraig. It's complicated and rightly so if done properly. People have to wait years for it

2 wrongs don't make a right. Being incarcerated for all of his life does make a right. He will suffer in there every single day, his fellow inmates will make sure of that

Too easy. I much prefer the thought of him living without any control or power over his remaining life. I'd like to him see put in permanent isolation.

I think 52 years of him constantly looking over his shoulder and wondering where the next prison assault is coming from is a fitting sentence.

I’ve always said it should be brought back, this country has gone way too soft now. Too many snowflakes, he’s taken 3 young lives yet will still get to live his albeit behind bars but he’ll still get warmth, education, hot meals etc

He will get done over inside in the next few months and he will try killing himself by not eating or drinking but who cares about him let's hope he gets done over sooner he knew what he was doing that day killing them poor little angels and harming others by stabbing them for cases like this the death penalty needs bringing back

He's never getting out, I'm just glad he's in prison and not a mental health institution, inmates don't take too kindly to child killers in prison

A high security prisoner can cost up to £90k a year so times that by 50 is about £4.5 million pounds on the lifetime but of course its not just keeping him in prison there are legal costs etc which will add to those. Then of course there will be inflation on that because 50 years is a long time. If costs increased by 3% a year then in 50 years time I don't think it would be unrealistic to see that figure exceed £6 million. We are becoming a much poorer country with an incredible level of debt and I personally think this is unaffordable. £6 million would go a long way to help other people just to keep a monster alive because we are uncomfortable with a death sentence. We still send people to war and watch while the poverty stricken die of starvation around the world. We slaughter innocent creatures for food in the most horrific ways yet are uncomfortable about such a monster being put to death which would be done in the most humane way possible. There are a huge increase in slums in the UK with innocent people struggling to exist. In many areas it seems like anarchy without much being done about crime and shoplifting due to lack of resources.
We really need to review what we can afford because a lack of a death sentence does cost a huge amount of money. Lets not forget the £90k a year is just the actual day to day costs but prisons themselves cost a huge amount of money to build and we will need many more. At the moment prisoners who have often committed violent crimes are being released early because of limited space in prisons. Prisons cost approximately about 1/4 of a billion pounds to build, somwhere between 200 and 300 million each. It averages about 1000 prisoners per prison. So for each bed in a prison there is a one off cost of about £250,000 each.
I personally think the time of idealism is gone and as a nation we have to get back to realism on what we can afford because its like the general population don't understand the huge costs of everything and the staggering debts we all have on our head. The economy is close to meltdown with a default on our interest payments likely in the next few years and economic horrors to come after that.

Yes he should be strung up for what he did! But with a bit of luck some other inmates will get to him and deal some real justice.

I was thinking this. Should definitely be the death sentence in extreme cases such has this one. A big reason why it was abolish was because some inoccent people was given the death sentence. But now with CCTV you can prove who did the crime. So in these cases where there is definite evidence and no doubt who committed the crime then it should be considered especially for murder.

I feel for the parents of the children who have to witness this inhuman monster incarcerated in the comfort of a UK jail for years to come while they have lost their children
It's a tragedy that we have to depend on prisoners to dish out the punishment he deserves

telmel Prison is one place I'm happy to see cutbacks in quality of food and perhaps the level of heating. Reduced lighting and no electrical sockets would also save money. Make it so if nothing else they are completely bored from beginning to end of the day and only have books to read that educate.

I was following some of the live streams on the BBC on x ( twitter) I had to stop as was getting angry with him causing such a scene in the courtroom, shouting out absolute no respect. At least he will never foot step outside again!

Personally I think in this case the death penalty would be appropriate. This man will never be fit to rejoin society and is clearly a danger. I think obviously if they did bring it back they need to make sure it's an open and shut case, which this clearly is.

I personally think he will only "serve" 25 years maximum. He only has to say he is a born again Christian and has repented. The Parole Board will be impressed with his glowing report of how he has changed, and he is no longer a danger to society and that he can eventually go shopping, etc under supervision and then get a lorry driver's job because there is a shortage of lorry drivers.

Leannexxx Fake news. He wouldn't be gen pop.

Leannexxx Yes it's a pity. He'll be in solitary but I'm absolutely certain that he will not avoid what is coming for him.

I am sure I read somewhere that old people should be in the prison system and looked after properly and inmates looked after in old people's homes and each would get the treatment they deserve.!

Auntielettie Which would be fitting as the Liverpool Pathway is still very much ongoing but just under a different name now.

With prisoners being released early cos of overcrowding etc. yes - if the evidence is irrefutable bring it back. Even if it does take years for the appeals etc maybe it will be a deterrent to others ?
In prison they don’t worry about heating bills they cant pay, food shopping they cant afford etc etc.

suevernon1968 I would give a maximum of 3 years for the appeal process especially as the later it gets the more the evidence goes cold so if there has been an injustice it, it should be easy to do within that time frame. Some crimes the evidence is overwhelming. Even if a third of murderers weren't executed due to some issue with the evidence then two thirds gone would be a huge saving of 100s of millions of pounds maybe more.

BonzoBanana that would be a brilliant idea to put a time limit on the appeals. As you said it can take years and cost the tax payer hundreds if not millions. And during all this the prisoner is in a heated cell with three hot meals a day.
We have innocent people on the outside living in appalling conditions as they just cannot afford the cost of living.
Am going to throw a curveball on this now - it only came to mind as a dear friend of mine has recently had a liver transplant. Do you think anyone would turn down an organ if they knew it was from a serial murderer or something similar ?

suevernon1968 I'd worry a bit about harvesting organs from prisoners who have been executed as the need for organs might corrupt the process. In the past we had people put to death who were innocent but I feel with modern technology and perhaps a secondary police body setup to check the process of each prosecution for errors or corruption should prevent that. China harvests the organs of political prisoners and leaves them to die in their cell. It feels wrong to me. Also I wonder if the kindest most humane death sentence process might effect the organs like gassing or poisoning. While I am for the death penalty I would not want it to be sadistic in anyway but as kind and painless as possible.

BonzoBanana it tends to be by lethal injection these days. Although I remember a few years ago in America when they refused to supply the medication required. But even not using the heart there are so many other’organs’ that can change people’s lives. It’s supposed to feel the same as being put under general anaesthetic - apart from the waking up part obviously. Some of the medication is even the same apart from we don’t tend to give a patient potassium to stop the heart. I would like to think that with the medical knowledge we have now with DNA etc that mistakes couldn’t be made. Identical twins have exactly the same DNA but different fingerprints.

I think death penalty if the person has confessed. We think too much of the person who has committed the crime rather than the victim in this country.

I don't agree with the death penalty as a matter of principle. Both the life of the victim and the perpetrator is sacred. It therefore seems hypocritical to kill someone because they've killed. I don't believe in an eye for an eye, only humane punishment with a chance at rehabilitation.
I'm not influenced by how shocking and emotive the circumstances. That is like mob-rule and could lead to a very dark place. Whether he feels remorse or not doesn't change my mind either. Those who want hanging and flogging and/or to 'make him understand/be punished by making his life a misery' will likely be disappointed. Many perpetrators revel in the notoriety of their actions. Your negative feelings are wasted on him.

Maybe the decision in reference to the death sentence should be made by the parents of the children that were murdered
They are the ones most profoundly affected
We will all go about our lives as time progresses and this will dwindle in our memories gradually
They will suffer their loss 24 hours a day , worse than a death sentence to me

I really hope that vile human being will suffer everyday of his life, hopefully that won't be for that long.

I have read everything I can find on this scum. I am actually worried. He is very intelligent and knows what he is doing. He will try for ineffective counsel saying it wasn’t explained to him how important appearing in court and taking his manners with him.
Next it will be that his parents didn’t do a good job- there was violence at home and he thought that was normal. He was probably allowed to play violent computer games so violence was again a normal part of his life and he thought that the girls would be ok and that they could reset and try again. One thing for sure- in his own mind this is not his fault it was the lifestyle that he was born into. How could he know any different. This country is so particularly politically correct that we will bow down to his every request.
I hope he never gets out - but even being transferred to a prison for the criminally insane will be a walk in the park for him.
I do hope I’m so very wrong

suevernon1968 lol it's always the same the upbringing millions of people didn't have a great upbringing but they don't turn out to be murders it's excuse after excuse
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