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Doomsday Clock Ticks One Second Closer to Total Apocalypse

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Doomsday Clock ticks one second closer to total apocalypse


The world is closer than ever before to total apocalypse, the scientists behind the Doomsday Clock have warned.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – the group that sets the time of the clock, which is intended to show the chance of annihilation from a range of threats – said that it was moving the clock forwards once more.

The clock now stands at 89 seconds. For the last two years, it has been at 90 seconds – itself already closer than ever before.

The Doomsday Clock was begun in 1947, as a metaphor for the danger that the world was facing. Then, it was primarily intended as a way of expressing the possible dangers from nuclear warfare, though it has taken in other threats such as artificial intelligence and climate change since then.


In setting the Clock one second closer to midnight, the Science and Security Board sends a stark signal:

Because the world is already perilously close to the precipice, a move of even a single second should be taken as an indication of extreme danger and an unmistakable warning that every second of delay in reversing course increases the probability of global disaster.


With the state of both the country and the world I am not particularly surprised at this latest news. It certainly seems as though the human race is determined to wipe itself out. The top article, which I understand many are unable to access, goes on with much more detail and includes recent events in Ukraine and Russia.

3 weeks ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Some might read above and think "Elite agenda of fear-mongering in full action".. some might buy it.

11 seconds will be a Lifetime for those who have precious little time left. CEO's of arms and ammunition buSINessess being good friends with Government Ministers and politicians, World Royalty and Business leaders. Drip feed the Need for more weapons to keep us all safe, we must have them for PeAcE ✌️

Just a thought 🤔 👍


ThatsAGreatDeal I don't know how to answer that. We do all need more fun and laughter in our lives but it is a fact that most people don't get on - just look at the world, there are wars everywhere!


tumblespots of course there are wars everywhere, it's a literally booming business which is encouraged by those who pull the Puppets strings. Ukraine invasion for example. It could have been over within 6 months. Deals and negotiations. Quid pro quo.

But not much money in a short war.

The Doomsday clock doesn't tell any semblance of time for me.

More fun and laughter in our lives I'll cheers to though 🥂


Not that surprising considering all that is going on in the world, unfortunately not many people will take any notice


jms19 That's what I thought, not many people will feel that it is relevant to them and just stay in their own safe 'bubbles' as I do myself.


I'm surprised it hasn't moved even closer in seconds what with Trump now in power. It just seems to be getting worse and worse like we are sinking ever deeper into quicksand. What right do we have to destroy the natural world. At least if we used germ warfare against each other that only targeted humans the rest of the natural world could continue. It seems so totally wrong that we have the capacity to irradiate the surface of the planet and create a nuclear winter.


BonzoBanana Yes, with the way the world is I am surprised that we aren't at 1 second to go. Let's hope that Putin stays relatively healthy or he might just be mad enough to take the world with him when he goes!


I didn’t really understand this post never heard of the doomsday clock before


SaveMeSunday Perhaps you are a lot younger than me but I have heard about it for many years.

When it was created in 1947, the placement of the Doomsday Clock was based on the threat posed by nuclear weapons, which Bulletin scientists considered to be the greatest danger to humanity. In 2007, the Bulletin began including catastrophic disruptions from climate change in its hand-setting deliberations.


Will it hit top before we all go up in a puff of smoke or flash of silver lightening I wonder.Seriously I'm not counting days just letting em happen.Few enough left to obsess lol. Image


MelissaLee1 Yep, we probably won't know anything about it when it gets to zero!


Gotta be in the loop lol.I certainly ain't.


When dinosaurs ruled the earth there were no nuclear weapons , of course , but they still got wiped out because of an enormous meteorite strike , or so the theory goes

Now humans rule the world , unfortunately, we may have the same scenario, but will not be because of meteorites, at least not in the near future , but because of war , and self inflicted

It won't be just humans that could be wiped off the face of the earth but every living thing , possibly except for cockroaches

A beautiful planet gifted to us with an abundance of life , taken away by the greed, ignorance and selfishness of man

I wonder what goes through the minds of the warmongers, do they not care about their lives or their families lives enough to stop ?

Maybe this is a way the planet could survive , it would stop pollution and global warming instantly and give the earth a chance to recover

I hope it never happens , but something needs to be done to convince the warlords that power and land grab is not worth the ultimate sacrifice


telmel I think that warmongerers have a huge ego and view themselves in a very different way to those who actually look at them. I would imagine that they are completely narcissistic and as such don't give a hoot about anyone else as their own views/dreams are the most important of all even if that means the destruction of everything/everyone else.

There is a saying - The most dangerous person in society is the man who has nothing to lose and that is how I view Putin! (and possibly others too)


tumblespots I think there are three narcissists to worry about T , Putin, Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping of China , there are more but these are the most prominent at this moment in my eyes

When Kim Jong Un has his nuclear weapons set up to use we will have another big headache to deal with

Edited , I forgot to mention Trump 🙄


telmel Indeed, but I think there are even more than that in other places in the world, they are all extremely dangerous people.


tumblespots Very true T, but these '4' are our biggest worry at the moment , Russia being at the forefront

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