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What Are Dreams

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what do you think is the meaning of your dreams. Was Freud right or do they have any purpose at all

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

I personally think dreams are like an emotional filing system where all the day's events are stored and sorted. I often find myself dreaming of something that has happened during the day or is connected to it in some way.


Not just happenings Lyn but anything that has passed through the mind in the preceding 48 hours.

It can be used constructively - especially to counteract nightmares. My nightmares always involved heights, but I'm now programmed that when such a nightmare starts - I nip it in the bud - in my dreams I can fly (not like Superman - I can just walk through the air).☺

I should perhaps explain that the fear of heights (acrophobia) isn't the fear of being at a height but the rational fear of falling from it ...so being able to fly (in dreams) counteracts it.


Who knows. I don't usually do the lottery but had a dream the other day that I had won big money but the only thing I needed was a haircut ... which I do. On a whim, bought a ticket and won £30, so I guess dreams can be a premonition. Shame I didn't dream about a private plane!!😂


I think that when dreams appear to be predictive there can be rational reasons:

We have so many dreams that until one comes true, we don't remember we had it until we're reminded of it.

Think how often something happens during the day and you suddenly remember you dreamt of it.

If that thing hadn't happened - that dream like thousands of others would have been forgotten for all time.


davidstockport Totally agree with you, but many do believe otherwise. I just enjoy the irrational side of dreams, fortunately I haven't had many nightmares but do find they are generally based on our fears. Rats in my case.


i think the jury is still out on what dreams are for. they are pretty amazing how vivid they can be.

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