Drug-Addicted Rats Have Taken over a Police station evidence room
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We all know how resilient rats can be and can cause all types of damage
This time they have not only broken the law, they have taken over the evidence room at this Houston police station
They have been eating Marijuana from a 400,000 lb stash the police are holding for evidence in a criminal case
In fact they are so pumped up on the drug even the exterminators could not get rid of them
At least they are not smoking it and causing a potential fire hazard

Omg that's so funny. The poor rats but you've got tk see the funny side the rats must have been wasted. Poor things.

Jerseydrew I think they are known as 'rat'afarians and marley fans now after this J

Yeah yeah that’s what their explanation is for the missing drugs! lol
Coppers these days are so crooked it makes me wonder if they’re dipping into their own pot?

I know musicians who say that coppers always have the best gear lol. Rats perhaps.Who knows?

That explains why Roland Rat was so relaxed and spoke the way he did (the real mice and rats will get into everything Dad’s got a mouse in his garage - found out because some of his bulbs had been eaten now has the task of getting the little thing out - likes peanut butter apparently!)

Rats inside a police station and eating marijuana??!! I don't understand how the American police don't know how to store the marijuana properly in the first place!!

I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a gang of bent officers taking it and putting rat droppings in the evidence room!
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