How to save money on electric bills?
Does anyone have good ways to keep down the electric bills would love to know how thanks so much
Our bill just goes up and up every month nightmare even though we try not to put the heating on ever
You might find going to a price comparison site to find the best price for your circumstances might help. In fact it's best to check them out annually.
If as you imply electricity is your main fuel for heating - it might unless you're on economy 7 for storage heaters etc. be worth considering switching to a different type of fuel.
davidstockport Thank you for the suggestions i will have a look at switching and yeah we are only electric flat. We cant change our type of fuel unfourntley
Thanks for the suggestions but we do this anyway. we are rarley at home in the daytime on evenings and we donot even turn our heaters on to save money
yes I think you should defo switch as these days you should know what you expect to pay and that would only change if there is a very bad winter for instance
Switching is a good thing as hopefully you get a good deal when you do it.
When we did it though we had a problem because the meter had been changed from Economy 7 to a regular one and the new company couldn't recognise it. What a nightmare.... All sorted out in the end though and we got a great deal.
lizzie95xx Unless you have storage heaters (brick filled radiators that charge up overnight) it is doubtful if Economy 7 will save you money. One of the best and cheapest energy suppliers I've found is EBICO - they don't show up on many comparison sites - which is a way they keep prices low.
Believe me it's well worth checking them out.
I like to save money on electric by using auto-switching tools:
Three companies: Look After My Bills (free), Flipper (£2.08 p/m) and SwitchCraft (free)
They automatically switch you to cheaper tariffs. Save money automatically. £300+ a year.
If you still want to do it yourself, then use the energy price comparison site provided by the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.
You might want to think about using an electric blanket to cut your heating costs.
When you are asleep your boiler is heating your entire home when really only your bed needs to be warm! That’s a lot of heat being wasted for the 8 hours or so you are asleep.
Use an electric blanket at night and you can turn the thermostat right down and cut your electric bill dramatically. The Department of Energy estimates savings of about 1 percent for each degree of thermostat adjustment per 8 hours, and recommends turning thermostats back 7 to 10 degrees from their normal settings for 8 hours per day to achieve annual savings of up to 10%.
We change our supplier every year to get the cheapest rate. Don't leave any appliances on standby or plugged in when not using them. I leave the oven door open after I've cooked to heat up the kitchen ( I obviously make sure the dog and baby are not in the room when I do this). The biggest savings for us have come from switching supplier. We just look on the comparison sites
put your heating off totally overnight as there is no way you need to heat the house while you are asleep. you can put it on a timer to warm the house for half an hour before you get up
Thanks for the comments all we have not turned our heaters on for over 2 months just to try and save some money
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