Have You Ever Had a Dream Come True?
Many years ago I had a vivid dream that we were being burgled. (I was in a relationship at the time). Some bits and pieces were stolen. When I woke I found that we really had been burgled. I don't believe this was some supernatural occurrence, probably just me stirring in my sleep enough for my sub conscious to register something was happening.
Have you had a similar experience? I know I cant be the only one.

I know it was ages ago now, but nonetheless I'm sorry to hear that you were burgled.
Dreams try to make sense of what is currently happening and what is happening is manifesting into your dreams. For example, I have on numerous occasions dreamed I was urinating, and when I woke up I did need to urinate. I also remember a school trip where I was spending the night in a hostel with other people sleeping in the room. That night I dreamed I was surounded by a huge crowd of people.

RegularComper91 yes, it certainly makes sense and I guess that was far more in evidence in days gone by, but as with many things we seem to have lost our basic instincts to a large degree.

Yes happens to me all the time shame it's never the lottery numbers tho I always know what's going to happen to a point my kids dad says I'm a witch lol

Leannexxx I haven't done lotto for years but had similar when I used to do it lol. Talking of witches, my ex boss called me that when I worked as a passenger assistant/escort for kids in care. I always got a feeling when I sensed that there would be no one home at pick up address, or the office had given wrong time/date and I always knew when parents wouldn't turn up for contact with their kids and not let anyone know. Distressing for children who then had to be taken back to their foster placement.

I Had A Dream, That Building Control, Put Me Out In The Street, One Day, I Came Back From The Swimming, And Building Control, Had Boarded Up The Close. Sheila Cunningham.

That sounds awful. I dream every night and it usually has some connection to what’s going on in my life. Last night I drove into someones front garden fence and gate in my husband’s car. I am always having dreams like this but I don’t drive although I can. Maybe it’s a fear if I do get behind the wheel.

eyeballkerry they say the brain is like a filing cabinet where it sorts and files all the happenings of the day. I expect modern tech would compare to something like computer files.

Lynibis That is exactly what it feels like sometimes. I talk with my daughter in the morning about our dreams and we try and find connections.

martinlufc5637 yep, have my share of weird dreams but I don't often remember them these days and I sleep very well so can't be too bad.

The weirdest dream i had, which never came true, i was flying up in the sky and through the clouds , as if i was a bird, and could see everything so vividly below and around me , and i seemed to know where i was going by instinct
I felt elated and suddenly i spotted land below and knew i had to land there
When i landed i was human and vaguely remember approaching some people , then it finished
At the time in the dream it all seemed so real

I've had dreams that come true all my life, so does my Dad, and now so does my daughter. Unfortunately, it's never Lottery numbers! It's always something bad that is either happening or will happen. No explanation for it!
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