Have You Ever Had a Kidney Stone?
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Just reading the following news story www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/breaking-pointless-richard-osman-rushed-34613154
Reminded me when I had one, the worse pain ever and I have had four children!

Well I was told I had them was violated by a little nurse lol had a scan wasn't kidney stones I had a infection in my intestine

Yes once when I was coming of medication for my kidneys which I don't think I should have been taken of. Terrible had to get a ambulance stayed in hospital overnight. Had morphine for the pain. Plus other medication for sickness. Had so much medication I didn't really no what I was doing ended up pulling out my drip so blood everywhere. Yeah so not a great experience. That said most of the nurses was great with me. Just the first doctor who tried saying I was pregnant and just diagnosed me stood quite a distance from me. I said I know that's not the case and wanted to see another doctor. I got another doctor who was great and got the treatment I needed. I definitely don't want to go through that again!

Yes I've had one, at the time I was eating a lot of spinach which can be a cause. I've since cut down spinach to very low amounts, only eating it occasionally. I also take a chanca piedra tablet maybe once a week just to prevent one re-growing. It was horrifically painful when I had it. I'm not risking getting one again.

No, but a young guy I used to work with experienced crippling pain, so much so that he gave up soft drinks

I have had gallstones which was incredibly painful but no way to compare with kidney stones which I haven't had.

My friend told me her kidney stone caused her to become uncontrollable when trying to get help from 111.

I haven’t but one of my best mates has them too often. She said she would rather go into labour cos at least you get a prize after !

suevernon1968 Exactly how I felt after having a kidney stone. Hopefully I won’t get one again but if I do I know the symptoms now and would get medical treatment earlier.

There is a strong connection between kidney stones and high blood pressure. Weirdly online it says people with high blood pressure are more likely to develop kidney stones but that seems strange describing it like that. If your kidneys contains grit and stones causing a blockage then your heart has to work harder to pass blood through your kidneys and hence you have higher blood pressure. So the kidney stones are the cause of higher blood pressure. As high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and strokes its important then to understand kidney stones can also be the actual cause of heart attacks and strokes.
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