Falling for a Younger Woman
Could somebody tell me can a man of 47 years of age fall in love with a 21 year old woman.
Yse they can and be very happy . When I was 38 years old I feel for a man in his 70s. It lasted 5years. Age is only a number. I would talk to her. You never know she might have feelings for you. Take her for a coffee and talk to her. But do not leave it to long. Best of luck hope all go's well for you.
She leaving soon but i get the impression that she doesn't feel the same & it really hurts.
I get the impression that she doesn't feel the same & I'm really scared of telling her how i feel.
It's a difficult one! I suppose you can fall in love with anybody no matter what age, size and so on. In theory there is no difference but unfortunately in a practice is. Today may be fine because 21 years lady may not be ready to start a family and may even not want one but wait another let say 10 years and you'll turn 57 not wanting to have kids anymore and she will probably feel different way by then. Nevertheless I wish you best of luck and I hope it will turn for the best for you
I guess im just trying to get the ok from people but It doesn't feel right & i feel really bad.
nissan3 you shouldn't feel bad at all!! There is nothing that you can do about your feelings, no one can. And certainly you should care about what other people think about it- it's your life and use it wisely!
No not at all nissan3. You really are not alone there. Lots of people find themselves in this same situation everyday! Honestly there is nothing weird about that!
nissan3 I know everyone is being kind and saying it is ok but at the end of the day we are all animals and over the millennia we have lost the ability to go with gut instinct. If it doesn't feel right, it generally isn't. If it felt right you would be embarking on a possible relationship by now. You sound lonely and fixated on this girl and I would suggest joining some social clubs or classes and meeting women in their 30s and 40s.
I think this sounds like a very good and sensible advice. You probably should considered that nissan3. Best of luck
Sorry, you are probably not going to like this, but this is not a good idea. We can all get close to and very fond of colleagues but you only see one side of their personality in the work place. Give her some flowers, tell her you have enjoyed working with her and let her go. There are always exceptions but in general it is too big an age gap, don't sour what has been a nice working relationship.
I've known couples have big age gaps and it actually work well. Society will never accept big age gap relationships in general but if you love her, tell her! The worst she can do is walk away. And if she walks away atleast you know where you stand. You have nothing to lose.
I guess it's possible, but due to him being much older he could very easily take advantage of her or there could be conflicts. Eg, the older guy wants settle down and get married and have kids, whereas the younger woman might want to hang out with her friends and go to college and doesn't want to have the parental responsibility yet.
But of course, this all depends on the individuals.
I must admit I am not in favour of large age gaps in relationships. But first let me say quite firmly, each to their own and I am NOT saying they are wrong. However, everyone seems to either know someone with a successful partnership or are in one themselves but that does not mean they always work. There are probably far, far more that don't work out. At 42 I dated a 24 year old guy who looked 30 and as I looked younger back then we sort of met in the middle. I told him from the start it would never be serious and for a couple of years we had a fun and loving time. It ended beautifully with no hard feelings but I could never have lived with him, it would have been like having another son. Unless you are still into clubbing and out every night with the energy to match, or she is very mature and content to forgo all that I would be worried about incompatibility.
Only you can decide but your question is lacking in knowledge of relationships because yes, of course it is possible, but that doesn't mean it will or won't work.
age is a number as i said on the other link and telling her how u feel before you levease is the only way u will find out if its recipricated and if its not then u will have to move on ...life to short to think of what ifs and maybe .... just say how u feel as long as ur not pussy or u dont cross the line u havent dont anything wrong xx
Yes....you can, but you could be her dad!
Most of the times these things not work out...I think the max gap should be 10 years and no more. There are lot of reasons why it not going to work out, some of them biological and some physical and some mental.
And the majority of time it happens that the woman is younger, that is about money and nothing else.
Not always the woman gold digging, often an older man wanting to show off with a much younger woman on his arm! It can be very flattering to have an older man pay attention to you when young and possibly a bit naive.
AgnesFaludi i come from a different generation when girls were only just starting on the road to feminism. I was truly naive and it would not have taken much for any older man to have manipulated me. I would not have had the strength to stand up for myself. As it was I ended up with an abuser who I was unable to defend myself against and believe me it still goes on. Many a young woman can be manipulated even in this day and age, why do you think there are so many on the metoo bandwagon at the moment.
AgnesFaludi Exactly! And if a young girl is inexperienced in love she could find herself being manipulated.
What a load of crap the above is! Age gap relationships do work out, my mum is 12 years older than my stepdad. They met when she was 31 and he was 19 (scandalous, I know). I have a wonderful 15 year old brother because of them and they are still together now
AgnesFaludi obviously it’s a bigger age gap but my point is still valid - age gap relationships can work! You said ten years should be the maximum difference and I’ve given a personal example of a 12 year difference that’s worked.
Obviously it’s each to their own whether or not they agree But I hope the OP finds happiness either way.
Nothing ventured nothing gained. Tell her your thoughts. If it comes to nothing she's leaving your inner circle and you may not see her again anyway. You've nothing to lose just a potentially awkward conversation
Wow some good comments and some that i didnt quite like, there is 12 years between me and my hubby and we have been together 18 years. Yes my parents were concerned when i was 21 as he was 33, going through a divorce and had two children. Before anyone jumps in i was not the cause of the separation/divorce that was already going through before i met him. There is also 12 years between my nan and my grandad and she married him when she was 18
My old Boss was 26 years older than his wife and they have been together years and years and are still together. People shouldn't judge and you shouldnt be worried about what people think. Times have changed and it really is no big deal, several moms and dads at school have large age gaps so to me its pretty normal.
Here here Like I said in my previous comment there’s 12 years between my mum and step dad (him being the younger one) 19 when they met - he’s 36 this year and they’re still together! my mum and step dad and you and your partner are proof it does work x
HannahSunderlan i really hate being argumentative but I do have to say that it is only proof that your mum's and sarahtwinmom's have worked. I say with all due respect that there are probably far more that don't. I agree they have no more or less chance of working than any other ltr but I would be very interested in seeing the statistics.
Its never going to happen because she doesn't feel the same way & i feel really bad that i feel this way because all i want is for her to be happy even if I'm not.
At the start of this thread you weren't sure, now you appear to be saying she doesn't feel the same. As this generation of young women are generally not backward in coming forward I would have thought she would have given signals by now if she fancied you. Catching your eye and smiling, starting general conversation, including you in invitations for lunch/drink. You have hardly given anything for anyone to go on but we have all chipped in our tuppence worth. I find it hard to understand how a mature man can be at such a loss and am guessing that you have never been married or in a ltr.
She is such a happy person & I'm not the best at reading signals but all i know is that being 26 years younger than her is making me feel like a dirty old man.
Everytime i read everyone's comments i just want to tell her how i really feel but it's so wrong that i can't do it & I'm in tears.
It is sad that you are so upset by this. A few of us have shared our thoughts ... vastly conflicting, but none of us know you or her and how you interact. Only you can really answer the question, perhaps write a leaving card and use the very casual, if you fancy a drink sometime here is my number, that way the ball is totally in her court and could save you from serious embarrassment. Good luck with whatever you decide
I came back her to see how you are doing?! I think that Jamala gave you a very good advice! To me this sounds like a perfect plan and if she was not interested then at least you could move on at some point.
Nevertheless nissan3 I have to say from a point of you of a woman if someone told me that he likes me it would make me feel really nice no matter if they were older, younger tall or short and so on. Everyone likes to be adored and it feels nice so you never know even if she won't feel this same way you just might make her day. I believe the more you think about that the more difficult it gets.
Oh gosh Marlena. When I started my current job my boss told me a guy in the company fancied me , he told others too and had a good laugh at my expense, causing me embarrassment and an unwillingness to go anywhere near the guy. Why? Because he was over 30 stone, smelly and ugly. Had the joke not been made I would have continued to treat him kindly as I would any other human being, but from that point on I steered clear so as not to appear to give him encouragement. The unpalatable truth is that you are right, we all like being admired and adored as long as the person doing it is attractive to us too.
lynnibis there it goes my theory out of the window then
Perhaps the fact that you didn't like him was one think but maybe because he made a big joke out of it it made it worse. Maybe even if you didn't find him attractive but he made that in a stylish way you would feel a bit different?
Marlena maybe, who knows, he's left now anyway. But if you remember as kids (don't know how old you are), but no one wanted the smelly, unattractive, bespectacled classmate fancying you but if it was the class stunner, well that was entirely different. Hopefully we are less shallow and judgemental as we get older. I could happily be friends with any decent human being no matter if they were aesthetically pleasing, but sexually? Sorry no! Mind you, I am off all that stuff at my age now anyway........give me platonic friendship any day lol
this is not the kind of discussion I expected on a deals site but all very interesting nonetheless
When I met my husband he was 43 and I was 19, 14 years and 3 kids later I am still in love with him
Feel if i tell her I'm putting her in a uncomfortable position & i would not want to do that to her because i care about her to much.
Don’t tell her how you feel yet. Tell her you would like her to come for a drink with you sometime and see what’s her repl. Good luck xx
NinaBuckley Good idea, or simply can I take you for a goodbye drink? That way she will not see it as a date but will say yes if feelings are reciprocated. The rest is then up to him.
NinaBuckley Just really think she will think that its very strange for a man 26 years younger to go for a drink with her.
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