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Fines for Bad Recycling?

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Should there be fines for improper recycling?

Recent reports show that recycling rates in the UK are declining, with Gen Z reportedly the most likely to disregard appeals against discarding plastics and cardboard. What are your thoughts on this issue?

a week ago
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I don’t know about fines for bad recycling, maybe if recycling wasn’t as complicated more people would stick to it.


jms19 totally agree


jms19 yes! It’s so hard to know what you can and can’t recycle. We were washing out yogurt pots to recycle before we found out we shouldn’t be recycling them


It needs to be made more easier. The easier it is, the more people are likely to recycle


People should be fined for making the streets a total dump, but that never happens.

Yesterday morning as I went to catch the bus to go to church, the streets were filthy with garbage, but a few hours later they cleaned it up... Thankfully.

Here's even worse:


Make recycling easier and have an incentive for good recycling instead of fines. I already recycle as much as I can but it can be a bit confusing.


No to fines. They should be making it easier for people to know what things you can recycle,and which bins. It's not very clear at the moment. They should also take into consideration, that not everyone can drive, so need kerbside collections.


Lol well they need to start fining the authorities first - most say they’re ‘recycling’ but they dump everything together


hspexy Exactly, that's what's happening really. The big companies are being allowed to destroy the environment in the name of profit and then us little people are being told we have to do things to curb pollution and if we don't we get punished.

All this stuff is a trickle down effect anyway, the general public see what the big companies, wealthy people & MPs are doing and just think well if they can do it why shouldn't I.


Talking about recycling, last Friday morning was the bin collection day, weather was windy stupid neighbour again always rubbish of all sorts full and their lid blew open and then an hour or so later it got knocked over and everything came out! Ffs they never ever pick up their Damn trash!! Got blown into driveway so had to pick them up! Still some on grass in front of house to this day pfft!!

Makes me so angry your sh*t your responsibility, the council people came and did not even bother emptying theirs serves them right!!

They just bin anything crisps and chocolate wrappers which are not supposed to go in there


Yes to more information on recycling,what happens to someone who has Alzhiemers, do council charge them if they put something in the wrong coloured bin??


I think I’m pretty damn good at recycling , even when had a lodger I was fishing her stuff out to put in correct bin as many times I told her. They should state clearly what is acceptable in each bin!


I must admit I don't do any food recycling. I only waste tiny amounts of food and it doesn't seem worth the bother. I rarely have glass to recycle, I normally just take the bottle and jars to my mother's for her to recycle with her glass. I do recycle cardboard. I don't pay for a garden waste bin so what I have of that is just buried deep in my normal waste bin with normal waste stuff on top. I don't typically recycle plastic. I often only have one plastic container or two and just stick it in the main rubbish. I did do it a few times but it just blew away and went down the street. So had to recover the bin and the plastic container. I'm on a hill.

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