Fireman Sam Damaging Recruiting Females ??
I’m watching GMTV and they are discussing whether Fireman Sam is stopping female recruits into the fire service. The powers that be have said that because the kids programme is FireMAN Sam it’s putting girls off of wanting to be fire fighters and the programme should be changed to FireFIGHTER Sam !! Really ??? I think the world has gone mad !!!
I don't think the name has anything to do with it. Just get them to add some female firefighters into the programme and it's fine.
I think theres a point at which things become too politically correct that they border rediculous !
My dream job from the age of 3 was to be a firefighter, unfortunately it was back in the times of height restrictions and I was too short. This idea is ludicrous, what next, no bathing because of SpongeBob SquarePants?
nipperjwb or a piece of a soft, light, porous absorbent substance originally consisting of the fibrous skeleton of an aquatic invertebrate but now usually made of synthetic materialBob SquarePants
Seriously? Are we gonna have to change Postman Pat too? Because he has a whole family. I can't even think of the unisex name for a post person. Post Person??? Lol. Post officer? Post deliverer?
Years ago they were on about getting rid of postman pat as he has 3 fingers or something like that and it was linked to the chinese mafia !!!!!!
nipperjwb HAHAHAHA SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard!!
nipperjwb Oh my gosh, it's true. But Japan -
How hilarious!! Not sure how small children are exposed to the yakuza from such a young age that they know 4 fingers mean triads?! lol
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