What's Your First Childhood Memory
my favourite memory was sitting on the gate post of our first house waiting for my Dad to cone home from the pit and he always called the shop on way home for a bag of sweets for us 3 kids to share .... those days kids appreciate the littlest of things ... that day he came home with all his work clothes on and all still in "the black" as they called it those days meaning no shower from being down the pit for sometimes 14 hour shifts ... i was amazed ... i jumped off the post and said the family "quick Quick QUICK Q n my brother and sister ran outside knowing my dad would be coming home with the family bag of sweets usually caramel ones as they was hard to chew so they would last all the family longer t ... my older sister ran out the house and pushed me out the way trying to get at the sweets fist but when she saw dad standing there she started to cry ... dad asked wat she was crying for n said stop being soft as he usually told us when we cried ... i was more interested about about why she was crying when she was whispering in his ear ... n she ran in house .. Dad laughed n remeber his belly wobble ... i said why she crying ... silly sod thought he had changed colour overnight might sound daft but i still giggle when i think of it now
Jojo that's a lovely memory. My memory is every Saturday morning I would go shopping with my grandad. And half way through shopping we would stop and go to a cafe. Grandad would buy me a big sticky bun. I lived with my gran and grandad for 8 hate years. He die when I was coming up to 10 years old and he was just 58 years old when he die.. Next Saturday would have been is 96 birthday. And other memory every Saturday in the summer we spend the day at the beach. Then on the way home grandad would buy us all fish and chips to take home. Yes I love my grandad to bits and I still miss ever day. Next Saturday hard for me because its is his birthday. And if I wanted any thing and grandad had the money he would give it to me. That's some of my happy memory s with my grandad.
aww nicola how lovely xx why not get a sticky bun n go in the sunshine n st out on a blanket rither near his place of rest or somewere u used to remember him being and eat the bun n make a flask and have it there x i bet he would love seeing u remeber that x so heart warming xx
I like in Scotland now. And my grandad is berried in cornwall. We're I come from. I visit my mum when I can. She not far from me.
Really nice memory. xx
My first memory goes back to when I was 2 years old and I was at a birthday party. I was sitting on the floor with a few other toddlers and we were playing with a children's train set. That is all I remember. However, my mother recently told me that one of the adults at the birthday party dropped a huge cake on the floor. I don't remember that, but I was told that the mind blocks out nasty things. xx
oh was it the birthday cake lol x i bet u all went to it n ate it lol x bless xx would of all been happy n say eating it off the floor or alot of upset toddlers x
I have a few really early memories from age 2. My favourite is my mum pushing me in my buggy to the shops and there was a massive flood we had to go through. I was terrified of going through it but my mum just said "lift your legs up, you'll be fine", she must have gotten soaked though lol
Yes same the story about your dad is lovely. Sounds like he worked very hard for his family x
Two things I remember from childhood.
1. Knight Rider early episodes (season one is the best of the series)
2. A show or a movie with a scary gorilla but I've yet to find out what it is.
summat else i thought about after this was our next door neighbout used to have a lil money thay wore a waistcoat n it used to have the run of her house .. but also had a huge cage in the kitchen whichh was all alont the opposite wall to the cooker ... mrs crossley her name was asked my mum to go in and feed it whenever she went out somewere and make sure it was ok ... we had one of the long communal back yard then that u saw on the old terraced houses and outside toilets ... i went into the toilet and stood up to peep across the yard into her house n watch this moneky when it was in its cage this one day it got out the cage and got hold of some matches that lit the gas cooker then struck them and started to throw then around the kitchen ... good job i was being noset i ran into the house n told my mum n my dad hadnt been home lomg n was eating his dinner in living room n mum tolf him n gave him key by this time it had set the net curtains (those horrible old fashioned ones that had the frill n tied back) on fire ... dad had to ring the fire brigade n mum was screaming coz he was chasingthe monkey around the kitchen trying to get it out x ... crazey can u imagine owning one of those lil thin monkey with long tails thhese days ? dont think u would be allowed x
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