Flu Vaccination? Yes/No?
I have had several texts from my doctor's surgery urging me to make an appointment for a flu vaccination. I am in two minds as I have heard of lots of people becoming very ill after having one and tbh i cannot afford time off work. No work, no pay! I have a cold at the mo but first for year or two as I seem to have built up a good immunity working with kids and their snuffles. Any advice or good/bad results?
Sorry to push guys but I really would like some feedback on this. A friend has really put me off having the jab as his father became very ill after it saying it was worse than having flu! Anyone have the jab and not got ill?
Ive had the flu jab every single year and did not fall ill from a result of it. Last year I was that busy that I forgot to have my jab and yes, I caught Influenza A!! I was in intensive care for a week with a further two weeks off work. Don't risk it . Go and get the jab
ChloeAyres thanks everyone, seems the yes vote has it. I will make an appointment when I am over this current bout of whatever it is.
I've had one and been fine,as I have pernicious anaemia and under active thyroid.My husband has one every year after having cancer and been fine with it.
Many people become ill AFTER they've had the flu jab - NOT (unless they've an egg allergy) BECAUSE they had the jab, those offered the jab are usually those at most risk from complications of flu, and even if it doesn't offer protection against all strains of flu, in my opinion, is still worth the possible slight ache in injection site for perhaps a day.
When I had a jab in early October 2017 I had a slight cold, if I'd got that cold after I'd had the jab many in my position might have been blaming the jab - I wouldn't... the cold came first and the jab doesn't protect against colds anyway.
I wish I had my flu jab this year (2018-19) I have had the worst flu from Xmas day and still have it!! I had my flu jab 2017-18 and had mild flu but nothing like now. I have a brain condition and low immune system and definitely would say get the flu jab if you can.
It really did make a difference when I got it done. I was just silly and were I wasn't feeling that we'll, put it off, I really wish I didn't.
It's the complications of pneumonia and infections that make the flu so dangerous. X
I have been having the flu jab for what must have been at least 10 years? I usually get a mild cold after the jab but this year I had it whilst I had cold symptoms which they advise against. I found out the hard way, I tend to suffer and not go to the doctors.. it was the worst cold I have ever had not sure if it was anything more than a severe cold but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Just a consistence?
I was told not to have it done if you have a cold or flu too as your body can react differently.
Pharmacy's also do the flu jab for free if you're elegable too. X
I've had to have it because I'm pregnant. Not sure if coincidental or not but was a little sniffly afterwards - nothing really to worry about. It was the easiest injection I've had, barely noticed it (and I'm a wimp about jabs!). I have the whooping cough next week and dreading it!
I sometimes wonder if those who have a slight cold after the flu jab have caught a cold because they've been to a doctor's surgery - those doctor's surgeries are full of sick people and might be better avoided. Apparently you can only catch a cold if you breathe the same air as someone with a cold. (the word "cold" is very misleading).
got a flu jab last time but after that i got sick for like 2weeks... coincident or not but didn't like to have 1 agaib
Just about everything is apparently bad for you nowadays. I have never in my whole life ever heard of anyone personally becoming ill as a result of having a flu jab.
That also helps with my decision, although I have to say I have heard of a few, recently the one I mentioned above. However, the few could be explained as in other comments and of course you don't hear of all the successful ones. Thanks for your input.
I hate vaccines and flu. I've decided to you Eccinecia which is totally natural and helps kicks start your immune system, No flu to date. Read reviews on amazon for Flu sufferers on Eccinecia Suppliments
Thank you, I have used Echinacea before but I think I have been asked to go for the jab because of underlying health issues that put me more at risk. However, it could not hurt to use some Echinacea so will consider getting some when next shopping.
Sorry to hear this Lynibis, I use Dr Axe on youtube and he tends to fix mine any my children minor ailments, his vids are brill and I love the fact of using all natural products
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