Fun Posts
This really made me chuckle! Lets get some more fun posts in and make each others day
Love it! I technically did get a free piece of clothing this week! I ordered a 2 pack of bump bands but there was only one in the pack. So I contacted the company and told them and they refunded me the money so I can buy another one and said I could keep the other one.
Here’s what I think I heard on Far Least Airlines – the infamous asian budget airline. Or, of course, I might be just a little deaf!
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on bore Fright GH623....
We are froth in-line for tak-off and expect to be in the air shorty.
We werry sorry for delay. The mashin that tears tee handle off your sootcases has bloken down, and this is now being done man-welly.
Please fasten your sit-bell at this time, and secor all baggage underneath your sh*t.
If you feel uncomforbell, you pobably sitting on your sit-bell.
We also ass that your sits and table tays are in uplight polition for take off. Smoking is po-hibited for the donation of this fright. If court, you will be fine, and subject to in-p*ss-on-men.
If you wish to smoke, please go out-sigh. If you can light it, smoke it can OK! The film today is Gone with the Win.
We will be dinning the cabin lights shorty.
Pushing the butt-on with picture of light bub, will turn the light bub on.
Pushing the butt on with picture of the fright at-ten-ten, will not turn the fright at-ten-ten on.
Please take minute to look at the exit closet to you. Your nearest exit may bee shine you. Shud the cabin experien sudden peso loss, stay calm. Lissen for in-stuck-ons from cabin coo. Oxylen masks will drop down above your sit. Place the mask over your m*ff and nose.
If you travelling with chill-den, make sewer your own mask on first, then help your chill-den. If you have more one chill-den, now is good time to dee-side! Which one have most po-pencil to maintain your retire-men?
In the unlucky even of an emergency land-ding and evacoo-ation, liff your carry-on items bee shine you. Life wests are located under your sits, and emergency lighting will lid you to your closet exit, and side.
If water landing, your sit cushion will serve as your fotation de-lice. Side your arms through the straps and paddle-paddle. After paddle-paddle to safey, you can kip your sit cushion as fee gif from Far Least Airlines.
Ladies and Gentlemen, when we lan, please be careful with overhead con- par-men.
Not allow tings fall on your head. As you no, shif happens.
Thank you for frying Far Least Airlines, we no you have a choice of airline.
Act-Cooly no you don't. We only one frying this route!”
I only have two jokes so may have posted this one before (sorry!)
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