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Gemma, Gardiner, Acceptable Behaviour?


I find it very hard to accept that a 37 year old woman can act in the way Gemma Collins has so far done in her career. Her behaviour is that of a teen and it is sad that she has constantly acted with arrogance, unkindness and childishness. What sort of example is this setting to OUR kids. I wonder if she would be so centred on self if she were a mother. Why oh why can't celebs set more of a good example.

over a year ago
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I think it's funny. So many people up in arms on FB threads. It is what it is. She's manage to forge a career for herself with no discernible talent or likeability whatsoever - the only thing she's got going for her is controversy and she's very good at that. Jason shouldn't feed into that really!


I understand your point, I just wish people were nicer and kinder. It makes me feel so depressed that so many people seem to condone bad behaviour these days and wonder why kids are so badly behaved.


Lynibis It is sad. Never easy to listen to criticism but you get your people like Didi who take it graciously and with dignity.


She has made her career from acting the way she does. I did not like the fact she lashed out at Jason. I don't know if he did sell a story about her as claimed, but she was using it as an excuse, as she was trying to say it was his fault she didn't skate well. Holly willowby has also made comments about Gemma and her professionalism and attitude, but she hasn't lashed out at her verbally. She did it because the cameras were on her and she knew it would be talked about. Jason can be very rude in his comments but she wasn't reacting to his comment she was reacting to his previous actions which were not relevant at the time. She was trying to get sympathy by playing the victim.


I agree with many of the comments here. I should like to add that she knew what she was signing up for and she knew that she would be limited in just how much she could physically contribute. She played the game and should have kept her thoughts mute. Had she done so I am sure many would have been more lenient on her shortcomings. She came across as a spoilt, arrogant shrew not caring that there were children in the audience and totally in denial about how rubbish her skating was. She definitely didn't deserve to stay. (but I will be glued to the programme until the bitter end....)

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