What Are You Getting Our Love One on Valentine Day.
At the monment I've not seen any thing. all I've see is Easter thing's. But I will get a card and cook him a meal and glass of wine and watch a film on DVD.. And something else has well. But can't think what. My get him some after shave what will you be getting and doing on Valentine day.
Going to buy a box of chocolates and flowers. We hope to expect another little one this year fingers crossed!
I hope to be holidaying sonewhere nice and hot! We were away last year, and the year befire that, so we might make it a regular thing
nicolajaynehend thanx - I wanted to get out to the Thai islands but there’s a cyclone there atm, and then I looked at mexico and the caribbean but it’s so expensive! I’m only going to get on a place last minute to I have about a month to decide
Hspexy that so sad you can't go to the Thai islands it sounds lovely my be next time you will get to go. I've been told the Caribbean are dear is because all film star and pop stars go there. Hope you find a nice holiday soon
I will make a personalised card but we won't do anything unles maybe the cinema. it is all so hyped and commercialised I would rather go for a meal at a different time
Hi mmokane24. I will be cooking home cooked meal. For us. On Valentine day you find the price for a meal out go's throw the roof.
I must admit to being a bit cynical about all the 'special days' because we are all fooled into spending more money. Christmas and birthdays takes enough of my hard earned cash lol. I think it is lovely to cook your loved one a meal as you are doing, do something you like together or print off a voucher that they can redeem back to you for a foot massage, their favourite meal or help with a project you would not normally care to do.
Hi lynibis i am very lucky my partner is just happy with a home cooked meal and a film and just the two of us. We dont spend money on gifts.
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