Going Grey - Fight It or Just Age Gracefully?
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Getting to that point in my life where I’m seeing more greys sprouting - noticing more pop out each day and it’s getting to bothersome to pluck out
Do you do anything to hide your grey hairs? Or have you just let it be?

All grey up my end.No probs.I have never minded grey hair.I do love a silver fox..did even when I as young.

MelissaLee1 it just takes time getting used to, I guess. One of my cousins started going grey at 17 and it suits her as she’s artistic. Same goes for another lady I know who is quite quirky. It really does suit a lot of people, but I’m not quite ready for it yet lol

I am naturally dark brown but over the years the brown has gone lighter and then the greys appeared. I coloured it black for many years and the sometimes with a hint of blue, purple or red. I now colour it lighter and the greys blend in better and I don’t have to colour it so often.

I can't go grey gracefully yet lol I've been going grey since I was 24 my oldest daughter who's 13 has got grey hair too I'm 39 today and dying my hair

I'm going gray and have been doing so for years, it doesn't bother me one bit. I wouldn't want to have to go and have colours put on at a hairdresser because once you start it's really hard to stop otherwise the hair looks even worse than the gray as it grows out.

At the age of 22 I turned all grey I hated it I wanted my black hair back but left it did not hide it since then I've grown to like it the hairdresser told me my colour hair is called salt and pepper as I've got black bits in with my grey hair
My partner who is got long blonde hair as so far not got any grey hair she's 50 this year

Yeah I'm pretty grey, I tried to grow a beard but it was pure grey so I shaved it off lol I don't dye my hair, it is what it is...

martinlufc5637 Real bloke lol.Grey beards are ok as long as they're kempt and clean.Goatees are just silly.

I don't have grey hairs I have tinsel!
I did used to cover it but it takes commitment to keep on top of it, so now I just keep it well cut .
The covid months helped many people grow out colours without seeing anyone to judge your roots.

Grey hair, worsening vision, reduced hearing, less teeth, increased wind, bad back are all signs on the path to oblivion with the sword of Damocles getting ever more threatening above our heads.

I'm not sure it's something I'm thinking about too. I've got white hairs appearing, have for about 11 years now but getting more of them. Thing is I've got a really sensitive scalp so react to hair dyes.

I used to have highlights in my hair, hairdresser suggested it. I’m sure on reflection it was suggested because it cost so much

I found a grey hair the other day, my very first one. I just plucked it out my head and went on with my day. I will probably start dying it once I get a lot more of them and it starts making me look older. Saying that the pupils were shocked to find out I was 34 today, they thought I was 26!

I am extremely lucky (not that there is anything wrong with grey) to have aged into almost white hair, sort of palest blonde. I haven't dyed it for a decade or more and even my hairdresser tells me to leave it alone.

For me I’d just live with it and accept it personally. Got a few grey hairs but nothing major yet but I’d live with it when going fully grey

I have noticed since the pandemic a lot more people are accepting going grey which is great as it happens to most of us eventually. I'm not sure how I'd feel about it personally until it happens but I do hope that day doesn't come for a long time yet.

I used to dye my hair twice a year, and then 3 times, i'm now down to colouring it every 2/3 months. Keep thinking it's time to stop but it's being brave and taking the plunge.

I'm too scared to dye my hair . I'm allergic to lots of things and have quite fine hair. Started to have a few . Does make me sad but not much I can do .

No aging gracefully here. I have to dye my hair every month to keep the greys at bay. Some people really suit grey hair, sadly I'm not one of those people so I will continue to do my monthly box dye.

I have most of my natural colour but a badger streak of grey. Depends how I feel, sometimes I dab colour on just that but or just leave it as it is. I’m 53 now so inevitable really.
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