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Any Great Tips on How to Be More Eco Friendly


I am inundated with packaging and paper coming in through the door. how on earth do I reduce this

over a year ago
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If you have a garden or balcony grow your own vegetables

Here's the 6 most cost-effective vegetables to grow in your garden, and a handy cheat sheet



That is very useful Johnny, thanks. I usually grow tomatoes in containers and for the first time tried courgettes last year. They started off really well and lots of them were banana size before they seemed to develop some sort of disease. I will wait until retired to grow my own as do not have the time to devote while working.


Are hybrid cars good for the environment?

How do hybrid cars reduce air pollution? It’s a question of emissions. As a general guide, petrol engines produce the most CO2 gasses and diesel engines produce pollutants, such as NOx, whilst hybrid cars have the lowest emissions.

Hybrid cars and their effect on pollution

How much a hybrid car is better for the environment than a conventional car is often subject to the size of the vehicle and the prevailing driving conditions. In comparisons between the same size and class of vehicle, say a compact city car, and driving in built-up city traffic, hybrid cars use substantially less fuel. They also have considerably lower emissions than conventional cars when running at any speeds

Hybrid car CO2 emissions

Toyota is passionately committed to reducing CO2 emissions in our vehicles. So much so that we have set a target to cut them from our vehicles by 90% by 2050, compared to the levels we had in 2010 with our New Vehicle Zero CO2 challenge.

Find out more about how we aim to do this via the link or see below for how hybrid cars CO2 emissions compare to diesel and petrol equivalents within the Toyota range.



We make our own biodiesel - so much better environmentally and saves us no end of money. When we've not been able to for whatever reason it really stacks up having to go back to the pumps.


Start a compost bin and tear the paper into strips add this to any garden/kitchen waste and it soon composts. Also tear up cardboard boxes and these will compost down.


Download and join Olio, reduce or eliminate food waste by posting unwanted food so local people can collect for free


that sounds really good ideas. I think a community fridge where you donate what you can't use or you take away what others can't use is a great idea


One way for all of us to be more eco-friendly would be NOT to carry a spare tyre in our cars.

Can you imagine how much petrol/diesel would be saved daily if the 30 million cars being driven around the UK every day weren't carrying that extra unnecessary weight. The trick would be to simply to have tyre warehouses every 30 miles or so, and for drivers to just call for the tyre they need when they actually need one.

Can you think of anything else simple that would save more energy than this, and that would actually pay for itself?


Solar energy is beneficial to the environment

The environmental impact from solar energy is also very low. First of all, it is considered the greenest and cleanest energy, because neither generation or consumption of it crates any carbon dioxide or other exhaust gases. This means that solar energy is in no way responsible for global warming or the greenhouse effect, which are two of the biggest environmental concerns right now. Second of all, solar energy is also considered much safer to humans and the environment, because it is lot easier to make and transport, without causing any natural disasters. Oil transportation can cause spillages from tankers, coal mining can lead to landslides in mines and oil drilling is prone to fires on drilling rings. But the only thing the mining of solar energy can cause is a bit of CO2 emission during the transportation of the solar panels. So solar power is still far less dangerous to the environment. Beside the positive impacts of solar energy on the environment and our life quality far outweigh the negative, making solar power the best alternative energy option.


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