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What is Your Guess for a Big News Story Happening This Year?


Sadly I feel one of them might be the invasion of Taiwan by China and I hate to think where this might lead us. It will certainly at the very least create economic chaos as the world sanctions China and refuses to buy their goods and possibly seize their assets around the world. I suppose it goes without saying more disasters caused by climate change around the world, extreme storms etc. What are your predictions? Something more positive perhaps.

a week ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Trump and Elon musk are going to cause major problems. Think they may make Russia and the Ukraine war worse


Jerseydrew Yes I dread to think what is going to happen there, I can see Ukraine being starved of resources but it is doing huge damage to Russia too financially. It's a been a disaster for both sides. Russia has lost a huge amount of assets both militarily and important infrastructure in Russia itself that Ukraine has targeted. There are no winners of that war because even if Ukraine ends the war by conceding some land to Russia it still feels like Russia has lost as well with a huge number of people killed, huge financial costs to operating the war and huge loss of worldwide trade its been a huge disaster to the Russian economy and will now be saddled with huge debts moving forward on a much reduced GDP. They can no longer sell goods into many markets and that likely won't change at the end of the war. Many countries have seized Russian assets because of the war. This war will always have been a disaster to Russia even if they end up with a tiny bit of extra land they can call part of Russia.


Jerseydrew That made me laugh. I'm gonna guess you lean to the left. 🤣

I do hope Starmer resigns from being the PM, but I doubt he'd give up easily.


Hard to think of anything positive. Maybe a medical breakthrough would be good.


Lynibis A medical breakthrough would be good.One at cost and with open availability would be better still.


MelissaLee1 I agree, not just for big pharma to make millions on the back of sick people and the NHS.


Lynibis 100% with you on that.


Whatever it is id say it’s going to be negative. Could be just me bur that’s all you ever seem to see is negative news majority of the time


I don't personally believe this but

Nostradamus predicted that 2025 would bring us immense agitation, and one of these terrifying predictions was that a large asteroid would approach the earth quite closely. He proposed that this would change the planet's destiny and be accompanied by extreme natural disasters including volcanic eruptions and floods.



telmel Oh wow, that's just what we need a huge asteroid to add to our problems. I guess it would have to be very large and flyby quite fast in order to have a gravitational effect to cause volcanic eruptions etc. If there is one coming though we should know about it already as space around Earth is constantly monitored nowadays, anything that moves of reasonable size should be recorded.

If I remember rightly the Solar System is not a typical star system compared to most in space. We have our gas giants at a much larger distance from the star than many we can see out in space which gives two benefits. Our gas giants seem to have a protective effect on the inner planets protecting us from a lot of space debris but also having large gas giants close to the star like Jupiter can create eruptions from the star and make their output more inconsistent which would be hugely detrimental to life on planets like our own. Normally gas giants form where there is more matter which is typically closer to the centre where the star would form. Of course there is huge variables in space and how star systems form but we are a rarer type in many ways.

However I think I've read we are now due another big asteroid collision, they seem to come every few billion years so statistically. That is the really big ones but a quick google shows this;

Small asteroids: Earth is hit by small asteroids and other particles every day, but most burn up in the atmosphere.

Automobile-sized asteroids: An asteroid the size of a car hits Earth's atmosphere about once a year, creating a fireball.

Football field-sized meteoroids: A meteoroid the size of a football field hits Earth every 2,000 years or so, causing significant damage.

Asteroids larger than 330 feet: These asteroids hit Earth roughly once every 10,000 years.

Asteroids larger than 0.6 miles: These asteroids hit Earth once every several hundred thousand years.

Asteroids larger than 1 kilometer: These asteroids hit Earth once every 100,000 years on average.

Asteroids larger than 5 kilometers: These asteroids hit Earth approximately once every twenty million years.


BonzoBanana Lets hope he got this one wrong M


I think a peace deal in the Middle East is possible , even probable this year . The main protagonists Israel and Palestine must be so war weary by now and Lebanon too , politically if not geographically caught in the middle .

Hopefully Syria will now concentrate on it's own internal affairs . I get the feeling that Iran and Russia on the one side and the USA on the other are growing tired of pouring weapons and money into the region that only feeds the conflict .

I see a peace deal coming , though whether it lasts is quite another thing .


intherealworld I disagree with you regarding peace between Israel and Palestine. They have been at war for more than 50 years (TV documentaries). Why should both side suddenly "talk" peace?


jam45 They have had many "peace deals " in that time . Some lasted for years , others for days . The reason I ended my comment with "whether it lasts is quite another thing ".


Trump will force Ukraine into a peace deal, giving up their territory to Russia, to appease his ego, hopefully kier starmer will resign


martinlufc5637 Fingers crossed both will really happen in 2025.


My guess is that the Oasis gigs won't go ahead and that the reason will not be one that's covered in the terms and conditions of tickets purchased, which will Legally cover the non-refund of the money paid for the tickets.


An underwater volcano is going to erupt and this could cause a catastrophe or not. I think we will see more natural disasters.


Heard from 2 separate people that they believe there will be a massive, global recession; eclipsing the 2008 one.


blacklabrador I definitely agree with this but its a matter of timing, it could be this year or could be later but the huge level of debt in the world is gradually reaching a point where there will be a huge economic event. It was better without extreme globalisation where economies were more self-contained and resistant to external affairs and had more balanced economies. It's been a period of economic madness for the last 50 years for so many reasons. We need to be poorer which is a strange thing to say I guess but we should not live beyond our means through borrowing which is what many countries have done especially in Europe and the US plus some commonwealth countries like Canada and Australia.


BonzoBanana Here's a question, or some questions i don't know the answer to

What would happen if there was a global recession where nobody could repay their debts ?

Say the whole world could not repay even their interest on their national debt

What would be the penalty ? And who does is the debt actually owed too ?

Could the slate be wiped clean for everyone and we all start again ?


telmel A quick google tells us very few Countries are debt free - Hong Kong are one of the few.

So my question is a bit similar to yours telmel.

Why not just give every Country in the world a lump of money - say 1 trillion pounds per 100 million of population - I know it would be destabilizing but if every Country benefits then surely the market wobbles would be nullified.


telmel A lot of government liabilities are of course in financial institutions, banks, bonds etc but a huge amount is the shortfall in pensions so by just scrapping the debt people who worked in the public sector would no longer have a pension for example. Private pension funds often contain government bonds too so private pensions would be hugely reduced. Other liabilities could be the huge amount of property and businesses that are foreign owned. For example you have the Net International Investment Position which shows the overall position of assets vs liabilities and even if our capital debts were wiped out we would still be losing a huge amount of money due to these businesses and assets sending out money from our economy. If you owed £20k plus everything in your home like furniture was foreign owned and had to rent use of it then even if the £20k was wiped out you would still be paying that rent etc.

Just wiping out the debt would clearly start wars as some countries have huge debts (UK, US, France etc) and other countries have small debts. The big powerful financial institutions would be in chaos if such debt was wiped out.


I have no idea but doubt much good will happen. At this sort of thing I’ll be an ostrich with head in sand. I’d rather not know I think.


The uk and commonwealth countries vote on becoming a republic. I think Australia are nearly there and since the death of Queen Elizabeth less people feel we should have a King.


Pjran I've never been pro-monarchy I'm a weird person who doesn't believe in elitism and actually thinks we all have equal worth it doesn't matter if male, female, gay, straight, tall, short, ethnicity, disabled, old, young etc I just think we are all equal. The only people I see as a subclass of people are criminals especially violent criminals. I don't look at Royalty and see anything better than myself or other people. The UK desperately needs to develop patriotism towards fellow citizens not history or football teams. We need to all work together for economic benefits for all.


I can see quite a few more weather related disasters across the world sadly.

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