What if... We Suggested Deals for You to Post?
Hey guys, this idea is for members who enjoy posting deals:
What if Latest Deals suggested deals for you to post?
For example,
Pressing an option would then take you to the retailer's page, for you to decide whether it's a good deal or not - and whether you want to post it or not.
Would this take the fun out of deal hunting? Would you be frustrated or annoyed by such a tool?
Or would you find it useful and helpful to your efforts?
Please share your thoughts - the good, bad and ugly
It may be possible for the site to automatically find products which seem to be good prices, and then suggest them for you to post (or say "no, it's rubbish")
What do you think?
sorry, I don’t like the idea. I like sourcing my own deals and sharing, as there is more fun for me that way. Having them already there takes away the fun for me. However, for people who want a bargain quickly, I guess it’s useful for them? Not for me though
Not for me ... also I think people could cherry pick too if given plenty of choice. Also might see this as a way of boosting points and may loose the quality feel of posts imo so not for me.
Depends on the points given, but also it is a bit naughty....not seems to be an honest deal shared by individuals.
Hi Tom i can’t share more than 2 deals and cannot share any of the other categories without it telling me I have reached my limit. Thanks
I’m abit confused. I don’t really get it? Would there be a page where there are deals but they‘re not actually uploaded?? So we have some deals automatically found and then it’s up to us to share them?
Hey, sorry for the confusion. These would be suggested for you to go and see whether or not it is a good deal, and for you to decide to post on the site or not.
They would not be automatically posted.
I don't like this idea either. I like hunting out deals & the excitement of having found something to share.
I quite like finding a good deal and then getting thanks from people makes me smile, and i feel im sharing the love. Bit boring to be told where to look, so not for me on this occasion
I love finding deals so not for me but however this may help people who want to earn the points on ld but struggle finding posts because duplicated posts you have your points deducted maybe it could be a new member area to help them get there first fiver Amazon voucher because there's nothing more frustrating than finding a deal that's already shared or having your points reduced when it's flagged as a duplicate and if I m honest it could put people off re posting so I can see the pros and cons to this
Tom I do think aswell that there should be more deals shared ot your page and group i think it will be more worth while and sharing potential on Facebook is greater than the website alone just a thought.
Hey Tom
I personally don't think I'd use it but others would. If there was a way to make it optional with an enable/disable option then I don't see why it couldn't be integrated. It does defeat the point of hunting good deals but that's beyond the point here.
Hm... personally I love hunting for a good deal, always gets me exited if I find something really good Also I do think that the type of deals that we post says a bit about ourselves too but if there would be a easy shortcut to earn the points quicker, unlike the others I can't promise that I would use it
I am not sure if anyone would agree with me or not but if I can suggest something that I think would be very helpful in here is for example when I am on the go I can save some deals to my favourites that I could use it later on when I have more time and I would not have to serche through all of the deals again.
I think this changes things a bit. I will post Deals if I think they are genuinely good and helpful or interesting. Your option is not appealing to me. Sorry! Plus, I rarely check the Deals section as I just do not have time.
Thank you everyone for your feedback - I think we're going to park this for the time being, or perhaps change tact. It's great to hear your thoughts!
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