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It's Very Cold - but Could You Cope Better if It Was Very Hot?


I think that in this country, with central heating being readily available, it is easier to cope with the cold spells. Also it's easy to just layer up, have hot water bottles, do some exercises to keep warm, etc.

however, as a lot of houses do not have air con, the increased heat may be more unbearable - there's only so much ice cream you can eat to cool down!

what do you think?

over a year ago
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I’d prefer to be in the heat - can easily cope with 40-45 degrees no sweat 👌


No...I prefer cold, because I can dress up. Put on extra clothes. In the summer I can take my skin off.


I prefer hot to cold - but I would struggle currently with no air con at home if it reached above 35!


Prefer cold any day. I don't feel cold easily and when I do I can just wrap off. When its hot you can't really do much


As bad as cold weather is, you just need to stack on clothes or what have you. During the summer, it can be tediously hot and leave you really dry making water absolutely necessary to have always around.


I prefer cold than extremely hot, as it's easier to warm up with clothing and hot drinks than cool down. I don't think the temperature has been that bad where I am, but appreciate other areas of the country have suffered more. Although, if the UK ever experiences similar freezing temperatures as seen in Chicago, I may change my mind ❄️


hot I have few reasons why because what I do is have a cold shower then am cooled off for agood while, I have a warm body and when I do this gosh it feels so good.... I only like a hot bath to relax in not to keep warm,

you can relax in the sun with a ice cold drink and legs up.

Now as I have a warm body which is not all day and not too hot

thing is at night my body is different it's so heated up, it causes me problems

I prepare to wear light night clothes but can't when it's winter.

Some of my bed sheets, duvets

are half way off me 'cause in my sleep am boiling and pushing it away

by 10pm my heating is off in winter, and it's not on high because I would have no money!

plus with a hot body at night all my sheets and duvet will be off and have to wear

really really light clothes if heating was on all night I wouldn't be able to cope...

then am freezing cold in the early morning during winter because duvet is not really on me!

I can't afford to keep heating on all night I try to set it before I wake but it doesn't always

happen like that

I don't get this problem with bed sheets in summer

my body is still hot when its hot, I cover myself

with 1 really very light sheet can't help it am use to

covering myself when I sleep but it stays on me all night.

it hardly moves at all, it just stays on me...

Plus I drink ALOT more water

when its hot because I get to put ice in it

or freeze my bottle over night which I can't do in winter so I struggle with water in winter..

So I prepare hot...


I dont mind the cold as long as we have blue skies and sunshine. You can always wrap up warm.


I love the warmth and couldn’t understand why people were complaining about our mini heatwave last summer. Give me the heat any day.

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