Kanye takes to X with, vile rant, update
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People may call me an old fashioned prude who should move with the times, but my thoughts are my own and don't hurt others so i am not shy to say i was disgusted. Kanye West just stood there motionless while his wife Bianca stripped off her furry coat leaving nothing to the imagination. The thinking behind this can only be publicity as i can't imagine any other reason for this display of utter contempt for the sensitivities of others. While media continues to give them their desired publicity they will continue doing it. I would admire them much more if they did something good for mankind for publicity.

Lynibis Unfortunately, it will only lead others to become copycats and there will be less and less material on the next round of 'so called' celebrities!

I live my life with knowing very little about Kanye West. I'm clueless really about him, I think he has something to do with music and that is about it. The joys of not having a TV Licence and only looking at web site news that interests me. I feel my mental health has improved since giving up my TV Licence.

BonzoBanana I don't know that much about him as I do not listen to all the rubbish on tv about celebs except what goes in subconsciously. Sadly I don't feel I can give up on t.v. otherwise my home is silent as the grave and I am indoors for most of the week.

Lynibis I still watch loads of tv just stream the stuff I want and have dvds, blurays and video files etc.

BonzoBanana yes, I watch plex most nights as I have lots of subtitled Turkish dramas which are over 2 hours each episode, they are very exciting to watch.
My downfall is having gmb and this morning on when I am doing my morning routine lol, lots of which goes over my head, just background noise really.

Because they are all idiots as even before this, other celebrities have also wore next to nothing

To be honest, I feel sorry for the lady in question who is not strong enough to say 'no' to the guy. She needs professional help and he needs to be served with a notice of coercing a person to make an indecent exposure appearance.

So was she completely naked? I've seen the pictures but her parts are blanked out, nothing but a scrubber

martinlufc5637 tbh I think she was coerced as she did not seem at all comfortable and he said certain things according to a lip reader. I would bet my bottom dollar she didn't want to do it. She was wearing a mesh dress but it hid nothing and apparently they could be arrested for this according to USA law. He is a nut job and seems to get his kicks from exerting power over women.

Lynibis yeah I've just this video, she doesn't not look comfortable at all does she, he's an idiot, I've never liked him or his music

Let’s face it there’s so much nudity on tv that this isn’t shocking to me. I’m just jealous I haven’t the body to flaunt.

Bit creepy and weird if you ask me. Can't see why someone would want to stripe in front of a crowd just for a photo or 2

Jerseydrew it's a lot more complex than that. She is under the control of him, 18 years younger, kept from her family etc. His previous Kardashian wife said how he controlled her wardrobe and Bianca's outfits are becoming far more revealing. What kind of sleazebag does that to his wife? You didn't need to be psychiatrist to see how unhappy she was about the whole thing.
I wish they had been arrested, just to get her away from him for a chance to get help. But these controlled women seem unable to help themselves

The pair of them need help in my opinion. There's something very off about them both. Don't know why she doesn't get arrested for indecent exposure.

compingonly it's him should be arrested for coercive control, he is a nutjob, see my comment above.

I don't think he is controlling her. She (Bianca Censori) appears to be enjoying the limelight and nothing else. She has been with him for over three years! Does that sound like a woman who is being coercive? No. It appears to be two unemployed adults with plenty of free time to me.

jam45 sorry I don't agree. Psychiatrists have studied the footage and it is clear she didn't want to do it. Even I could see in the footage she was unhappy, unsmiling and hesitant. His ex spoke of his control over her and fear will keep her with him. I know, my ex threatened to burn the house down with me and kids locked inside. He was a copper at the time and all his colleagues believed I was the nutter so no help there. Fear and threats can play havoc with your mind especially if they threaten loved ones.

Lynibis exactly my thoughts I don't think she enjoys the limelight at all and I don't really want to go there but he would do the same with Kim and when she said no he didn't like it and left coz the camera was on them both but you could definitely see the anger in his eyes he was controlling her too to a point when she filed for divorce he refused to do it kept getting new lawyer's so put it off and he brought a house facing hers so he can watch her

This has taken the red carpet to another level and not in a good way either. In my opinion it shouldn't have been allowed at all and especially not photographed.

Swimmer94 no one knew she would do it until she did, she had a big fur coat on. He stood there hiding behind his sun glasses giving her instructions. Just the way he stood there made me want to slap his face and I am the least violent of people.
Asking a journo/photographer not to click is like asking a bird not to fly. They must have made a mint already from the pics.

Lynibis oh absolutely, the media are crazy for things like this. I just don't feel it should be published but like you said that will never happen until they don't make money for it unfortunately. It's horrible that he can be that type of person and get away with it but until somebody speaks up he will get away with it happily.

She’s always the same now ever since she’s been with him. I personally don’t remember her being like that before, I find her really weird

It's all really sad. I really feel for her. It's obvious it's an abusive controlling relationship. But that's how love is unfortunately.

Money withstanding I cannot imagine why any sane individual not leastly a young good looking woman would hang around with a control freak like Kayne.

MelissaLee1 I would hazard a guess that some slow grooming went on as she started as an employee and is still on the payroll. It isn't just children who are groomed but older weaker minded people too. She was probably starstruck and lured by the prospect of a millionaire lifestyle. It is up to the public to stop filling his coffers.

Lynibis Not even as if he is that talented.Just controversial.Still what goes around comes around as they say. My father always used to say there's always someone bigger and badder out there.He will undoubtedly get his come uppance sooner or later.

Was that will Smith's son with a castle on his head? Lol what does it even mean? I don't get it

This has been going on way too long now. I remember a while back seeing her in the news and thought this can’t be right. She needs to remove herself from him.

eyeballkerry I totally agree but I fear she may accept this as a trade off for living the millionaire lifestyle.

Lynibis This is all so weird but I'm glad this has cost him a lot of money. I am so out of touch with modern culture and music now. I'm getting to be a right old git who just seems to feel huge amounts of disapproval nowadays towards so much stuff. I worry a bit about that woman, she maybe attention seeking but still controlled. She doesn't look happy as many have pointed out. Weird that Japan is disapproving about this as lots of weird stuff happens there with regard degrading females including schoolgirls.

BonzoBanana I think as you get older you can see more clearly the things that cause the degradation of society. I think many more mature people have regrets from their past, I certainly do, unwise choices and actions.
The difference with Japan is that they probably keep their less savoury side away from publicity whereas Kanye used this as a deliberate publicity stunt motivated by money and I am sure, to further increase his subjugation of his wife. Where can they go from here?

sallylester1 it has somewhat restored my faith in people that no comments have so far felt this was an ok thing to do.

It worries me about what it will do to her mental health in the future. Also there are pre-pubescent girls that actually look up to them both - which shows appalling behaviour on both parts.
I remember my Nan used to say
“All fur coat and no knickers”
I think she was right in this case. He just seems to be showing her off like his most recent possession. Certainly not that he loves her. It all just makes me so very sad

suevernon1968 I agree. No man, whether his wife was willing or not, would ever subject his wife to this. It shows an appalling lack of respect and love for her. If it was entirely her idea he would not have been castigated for trying to stop her, which any decent man would have done.

Lynibis i wouldn’t let my mate go out dressed like that. Sounds like he has complete control of her. And shame on the ‘designer’ who made this so called outfit!

I don't know if link will work or stay active but this tells you everything you need to know about this vile man, he even admits to having 'Dominion' over Bianca.
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