I Accidentally Posted a Duplicate and Someone is Being Rude...
i posted an item, and instead of someone just being nice, it was a tad rude, it takes time to post these things,I cannot go into every single posts over the past month to make sure the item Was already posted, it was a mistake, i, sorry, but instead of leaving a rude comment, just mention it nicely. I’m trying to be an active poster but some comments really just put you off.
Thank you for your brilliant contributions to Latest Deals, they are very much appreciated. I am sorry to hear you experienced a rude comment. At Latest Deals, we pride ourselves on being the friendly and positive of deal hunting communities.
If someone spots a post as a duplicate i.e. accidentally shared before, they can report it without writing a comment. Simply press the three dots '...' next to the post > report. Read more here.
We do have a system in place where if you try to share a URL which has been shared before, then a warning will pop up, but it's not 100% accurate. With the number of deals being posted every day, it'd be impossible for any member to know what's been posted in the past, so please SelinaPurdy don't feel hard done by.
Thank you again for your contributions and I hope you continue to enjoy Latest Deals. Should anything get out of hand you can tag myself or any of our volunteer mentors to step in.
Looking forward to your next one!
Also, should someone consistently be rude, you can choose to ignore them. This is a function which will hide all their comments. Have a read on how to do this here
I had the same problem with a couple of people on here. I just ignore them like Tom has suggested and report them. I find this site amazing and will not let a couple of people ruin it for me. Keep doing what you are doing
That's a shame. We all post duplicates sometimes. As more people are putting things up it is going to happen more often. I often get several Whoopsies in a row now and it would be easy to just put the link slightly differently so that it is posted again. If people take it personally or get it out of perspective the problem is with them not you so just let it go over your head.
The silly thing is that they would get points for reporting it so they are not losing by you doing that.
I found that most of people here are really friendly and the website it's very enjoyable to use. I only experienced once that someone was rather rude but I can understand how off putting that must be as recently I posted something on Mumsnet and they literally ate me alive, and I'm scared to go back there since
I think the best advice you can get is as Tom said just ignore them if someone choose to be rude!
Just keep going, we all make mistakes sometimes and in general the community in here is truly fantastic!
Every internet forum has its fair share of trolls every now and then, but Mumsnet is one of the worst.
Hi SelinaPurdy
You have posted some super deals, competitions and freebies! It's a like from me (and a hug!). It's sad some people feel the need to be rude or negative, but please don't let the boring dullards put you off. 99% of the LD community are supportive, friendly and appreciative.
I just ignore them. I do not even understand why they need to comment anything, when the website do not shows it is a duplicate, it can happen with anyone.
I have accidentally posted a duplicate before without realising. It normally comes up as a duplicate on the website, so if it doesn't then it is an honest mistake. I just ignore them. I don't see why people are so rude.
Because that is now the default setting of humanity!
Violence , foul language, rudeness, no class , style or intelligence sadly is the new British way!
Its all people respond to - try askin g someone politely and they will think you are weak and you then become a target .... sadly!
I've accidentally posted a duplicate even after doing a quick search, it can happen to anyone & there's definitely no need for people to be rude about it. Mistakes happen.
Dont feel to bad - I posted a competition that required you to buy something and the guy who replied eventually ended up threatening me with violence because he thought all competitions posted should be free and eventually ended up saying he was going to find me and kick the **** out of me lol
Now thats over the top!!!
I am still waiting for him to turn up - like most folks these days - All mooth and nae action!
Dont be to hard on yourself i have done it today myself and i searched. This is a great site please continue to share.
SelinaPurdy Haters will be haters. Just ignore losers like that. Please do continue to share posts. Xx
They are trolls usually. If you look at their profile their interaction is minimal. Thats the internet 4 u
Sadly, you will probably find that every internet forum has its fair share of trolls who have nothing better to do with their sad lives. Fortunately this site is pretty good at dealing with them.
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