Is Latest Deals Rewards Still Active? (Answered)
Hi everyone, first time here. Just querying as I've just reached my first 5000 points after being a member for some time if the rewards programme is still active? Thanks
Yes unless the website goes bankrupt which I don't think will happen in at least 10 years.
Yes it is I literally got my last £50 Amazon Voucher last month. Enjoy using the site and happy bargain hunting
ive done me 100 quids worth of vouchers n me first8.9k to next 50 quid x great lil site for using the vouchers for pressies x i give me hubby 50 quids worth of vouchers for his xmas pressie n the next 50 quid will be for son end of march for his birthday
jojowane67 oh wow how long have you been a member?? That's amazing I've been on a couple of months and just got to 10k
KayleighGeddis i only started being active around june 2018 x n come on daily unless im ill orinhosital x i love it on here im agrophobic so see no1 so i like having a chat x
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