Latest deals GLITCH success
what have you got for free or hugely discounted from latest deals website or facebook page ?
so far i have had two tea towels and a vegetable spiralizer that was originally £10 but had been reduced this and the tea towels from ideal world delivered for 98p !!
My Ideal World Glitch 1 of a few order has come in today! Yaay! will post piccies later
There's "glitch" deals and glitch deals, the latter usually ends up with all the orders cancelled as the retailer didn't intend on selling for that price. However, if said glitch was only purchased by very few people then it would have passed.
Bargain28 It is luck but if people push said luck then it's all lost. Sometimes retailers advertise sales as "glitches" to get people to buy them at a lower price but if it's actually a real glitch and users abuse it, well, say goodbye to that sweet deal.
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