Lindt Birthday Freebie
I was able to get the free box of chocolates last year but now they have changed it to with a £10 spend. I knew this would happen as so many people signed up for this freebie.
Thought to let members on here know this as well.

jacquimartin1 right not free anymore… have to buy more chocolates just to get the box of 16 they have increased the price on that too to £7.50! Not worth it! Good thing I got mine last year before they changed it

Isn't Lindt the brand that was stopped by US customs as their chocolate contained lead and cadmium.
I'm never putting that garbage in my mouth that is for sure. It's bad enough Temu clothes having traces of it on the outside but I'm not going to just consume lead and cadmium.
Two incredibly dangerous substances especially for children.

BonzoBanana I’ve read the article but it doesn’t tell me why in layman’s terms, it says if near places where there are high levels of lead. Does this really mean the cocoa they are buying is coming from dodgy sources, as that trade is rife with child slave labour so is there dodgy cocoa too

Gromit22 I assumed it was perhaps in the manufacturing process, perhaps their machinery is not well adjusted so friction is causing tiny particles to enter the food or maybe as you say it is from the cocoa beans themselves as it could be low quality beans perhaps grown in a contaminated area. I do find it amusing that many people are paying a premium for this brand assuming higher quality but in fact contains particles that could lead to many health conditions including cancer. Let's face it the US is not the best in protecting its citizens so you wonder why we haven't seen reports from Europe with similar results. Switzerland is outside the EU, a fantastically successful country and not a EU member, they have protected their own industries and economy by not joining so surprised the EU haven't reported this too. Maybe there is something different about the chocolate exported to the US compared to sold in Europe.

It’s like the hotel Chocolat birthday “gift” where it’s £5.00 free with a minimum spend of £5.00 now this is £5.01 because the cheapest product they had was £4.99 which I’m guessing is now £5.00 so your birthday gift is not actually free.

Unfortunately all of the things that we used to get for free keep disappearing or you have to spend to receive. I remember for birthdays you used to get so much, now it's very little. I can't complain too much at least they are doing something.

slightfoot Yeah such a shame as I only found out about the birthday freebie two years ago lol ah well at least I was able to get them

SaveMeSunday yeah that’s right, nothing can be done about it the last few years I got a lot of freebies when it was my birthday
now not as much same with applying for freebies too
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