Marmite - Love it or Hate it?
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Love it or hate it ? I’m a lover. Always have been but I’m the only one in my family.
I always was a hater, even the smell bothered me before but somehow with the age I become a lover
Great to hear, how do you eat it ? I will put it toast, in a cheese sandwich or just dip cheese into it.
A fussy family toddler has changed my opinion. I knew he liked the dark stuff (can you tell I was not a fan?) and I also knew he was a cheese lover so after one sleep-over I tried a cheese spread/Marmite on toast combo. It went down a storm and this is what he now asks for many times a week. (yep! I've created a marmite monster) Up until this time I was a bit of a 'used spoon' licker so it was minimal tasting but I have to say I no longer pull faces when it's mentioned. I've always had it in the cupboard for the 'umami' effect in cooking but never in the raw.
I like it - I think that many people who hate it have used too much when forming an opinion; the thinnest smearing is sufficient.
I have heard that it's just as good, if not better, than peanut butter on mouse traps.
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