McDonald's Confirms Delivery Service Starting June
McDonald's has confirmed it will start a delivery service from June 2017.
Select stores (not all) will trail delivery in partnership with a company such as Deliveroo (not yet confirmed).
Reports say this will be timed with the release of McDonald's new app, that will let you order on your phone.
A McDonald’s spokesperson said: “It is no secret we have been looking at the potential of delivery in recent months.
“This service is offered in other markets around the world and its growth within the UK, continues to gather pace.
“Listening to our customers, we know that this is a route they would like us to explore, and I can confirm that we are looking to launch a small delivery pilot this summer.”
What do you think? Will you order McDonald's to your home?
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Something I would have loved to have done when I was a kid - don't really eat McDs anymore
they've been delivering McD in the Far East for a number of years now, so it's about time the uk caught up

hspexy Same. I rarely eat fast-food and if I do, it's only Subway which only happens every few months.

hspexy My last time was like back in.. January.
McD, BK, KFC and chicken/fish shops I just avoid altogether.

hspexy Nah, I like fast food just not from BK/McD/KFC or those chicken/fish shops everywhere.

Ordering McDonalds, not sounds to great. i always think when I order food, that is suppose to be better than what I can cook, because I pay a lot more for it. It seems like some restaurants do not bother to make quality food, just send mishmash. I really have tight budget and when I order food I really want to spend my money on quality and it will not be any of these plastic food retailers.
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