McDonald's Set to Banish Cheeseburgers and Chocolate Milkshake from Happy Meals
Happy Meals are becoming rubbish. If I was a kid, I wouldn't want one. The thought of a bag of raw carrots to eat fills me with sheer horror! the whole point of McDonalds is you eat really bad food, which tastes good. Just don't go often. Every now and then it is fine. I'm from a small rough town. We LOVE McDonalds. That's a restaurant to us.
Always rubs me the wrong way when people call McDonald's and the likes a... Restaurant.
This is what I expect a restaurant to be:
Not this:
Rockman Yeah the bottom picture is a restaurant to us in my hometown. We don't have restaurants like the picture in the above. We have a some pubs, which again not a restaurant, that is a pub serving food, doesn't look like the 1st picture. We call it 'Mackie D's'. We get discount vouchers on the back of bus tickets here. There's are some great mem's about where I live which would back this up, but I won't post as I won't say where abouts I'm from in England.
i buy a cheese burger happy meal with tea, I am no child at 33 but its the best value
I think their fish fingers in the Happy Meals should be checked, because I am sure it did not see many fishes....
The thing about Mcdonalds is if you eat it every now and again, not every week, just the odd time in the year, so what. Really we have no idea what any of these food suppliers are putting our food. I'm too old to be bothered about people trying to preach to me about the evil of Mcdonalds. I'm allergic to diary, yeast, barley, onions, etc (yes, there's more than that list) so I can't eat anything much on the menu anything apart from the odd packet of fries anymore. When I'm travelling due to my allergies, I have to eat fries as I'm not allergic to potatoes.
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