Mum Gives Birth to Record Breaking 14lb 13oz Baby Boy
Just been reading this story from the USA.
The tot weight just over a stone was born on December 12th at Arlington memorial hospital in Texas USA baby boy is called Ali.
Her 1st child a little girl now 2 years old was over 10lb when she was born
The mother had to have a c section.
The poor mother carring him. Bet she is glad it's all over. But to have to very large baby's with in 2 years must have been a shock for her. Bet she will now stop at 2. Because you just never know what size baby 3 could be and her own health. What do you make of the story.
I was told my wee boy was a big baby based on the growth scans. I was expecting a big baby as my husband was over 10lb and I was absolutely massive! When our son was born he was just above average weight. I had a difficult pregnancy and could hardly move in the last few weeks, so can't imagine how tough she found it!
Hi mrscraig I bet she had a shock when she was told the Wight. And to carry it must have been very hard for. Her And this was her 2nd big baby the poor woman. Bet she will not have any a more. And I don't blame her. You and your family have a lovely new year when it comes.
nicolajaynehend I wouldn't be having another if I were her! I would have stopped after the first big baby!
Thanks, hope you have a nice new year too
It's a good job she had a section or otherwise she would not be able to sit comfortably for months.
Hi auntielettie I bet she was glad to have section because you could not push that size out. And I bet she was happy now it's all over. Have a lovely new year when it comes.
Those who remember Norman Collier (of faulty microphone and chicken impersonation fame) undoubtedly the funniest person I ever met. might like to know he weighed in at birth at 15lb 4ozs on Christmas day in 1925 - I bet that was some Christmas surprise for his mother
(those American macrosomic babies are tiddlers compared to ours)
Hi davidstockport that was one big baby. The poor mother. But she was glad it was all over. The Wight must have been hard to carry it around. Happy New year when it comes.
nicolajaynehend "Happy New year when it comes. " If it was a slow labour I wonder if that's what they said to Norman's mother.
Happy New Year to you (when it comes) too.
Hi maiahwillwin yes that's what I though she must have been in pain and a lot of back pain. And I bet she had to stay in bed. The poor woman. It's enough to put you off have a child. Have a love new year when it comes.
Jande86 so happy for you and your husband when did you have him all so what's his name. That's a big baby. But you are now glade it's all over and now he is in arms. Happy New and I hope all your dreams and wishes come true in 2019.
nicolajaynehend we have him by dec 24 dear i 39wks 5days, since my 33wks he's been growing by 2lbs per 2weeks though i dont eat loads... suppose to be due by 26 but then no stopping him... we named him Jamie Kyle, thanks much for your generous thoughts
JandE86 that was a lovely Christmas gift. He did not want to miss Christmas. And that is a very lovely name for him. He is going to be a big boy when he grows up. All the very best
I was 10lb 10oz when I was born. Mum was a tiny woman and 41 when she had me. Bit of a struggle apparently !
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