Naughty urls
Hi Kelsey Trying To Do This Comp And It's Saying
No Naughty urls
Hi Kelsey This One Was OK
What about sites like UK Tights Tom?
Also is Bondara suitable for this site because I have tried to share a discount code for that one as well but have had the naughty URL pop up.
Will you have a look at and see if it's suitable. I was just trying to share a discount code for the website.
Looks fine to me! I've manually deleted it from the "naughty list" so you should be good to go
Guys and gals, use this thread below to report disappearing deals @
Kelsey - and other Glamour competitions are coming up as a naughty link also Can you have a look at this site when you have time as well please Kelsey
Kelsey If Trespass is on the naughty list would you remove it please
Morning! Just removed it for you
Sometimes I understand why certain sites might be considered "naughty" and on the list. This one has baffled me!
Hi Kelsey Tom Deepak Tried A Deal For Lovehoney But Came Up As Naugthy url
Hi Kelsey is coming up as a naughty url for some reason
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