Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor Edge (Wii U) - Available New for 1 cent in Ireland (C&C)
No kidding. If you're in Ireland then it's worth checking out GameStop Ireland website as you could end up buying games for as much as one cent (Euro currency).
For example, check out Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge which is precisely only one cent. Also, there's FIFA 13 - for only 1,97€.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call - 14,99€
Army Corps of Hell - 1,97€
Tales of Heart - 9,99€
Such a shame it's only in Ireland. :(
mixmixi Gamerofgames Kelsey this might somewhat interest you guys.
Rockman If I remember correctly from years ago, that is how gamestop operates: 1c/1p games on their site is the one that is no more in stock. £1.97/£0.99 and equivalent are the ones that is very low in stock or the ones they've got only 1 in stock. The rest in your list are normal prices mate (good prices).
mixmixi Yeah, that. Just a shame it's exclusive to Ireland because I wouldn't mind trying my luck.
GameStop Ireland could have branches in Manchester, Birmigham, London, etc too.
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