No Wonder I Had Trouble with Spellings at School after Seeing This.
I used to ask my mum how to spell something and her answer was look in the dictionary. I spent hours looking for ’psycho’ under S!

Leannexxx they don't. It's because English is such a hard and confusing language to learn. Words often aren't written phonetically but you need to be know the sounds to decode the word

Jerseydrew I have to disagree with you sorry school couldn't get my oldest to read and yet I managed it and there is no need for the joined up writing it's very unlikely it's gonna get used in later life for most kids today

Jerseydrew Thanks for the word phonetically that would have taken me forever to find it in a dictionary when I was child.

Teaching kids to read and write is so hard. English is one of the hardest languages to learn. Written enforcement words are is so hard

I know they're not but it's like reading little riddles . Some are quite easy to understand but does make your brain work a little

Then you have words with more than two meanings, for example bat, bat the ball , bat the flying mammal and bat an eyelid
Rock, Rock the boat , Rock of stone, Rock band
Fair, Fair in colour, Fair as in fairground, Fair as in not being fair

Yes english is known to be very difficult for non natives (and natives) to learn because of all the tenses etc.

Tel thee wat , try spelling some Yorkshire language, we have our own language darn ere luv lol

It’s when people get wrong his , he’s and there , their really bugs me grr ! E.g ( celebrating he’s birthday )

So my problem with spelling is not my fault. My mum used to say I'd be a good seller when I had kids. She was soooo wrong my kids help me with spelling
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