How Old Would You like to Live To?
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Sounds a bit depressing but a local lady in our area has just died at 101 years old. As far as I know she was still out and about. It probably depends how your mobile you are and how fit you are to want to live to a ripe old age.

For as long as I can I suppose just want to see my kids grown up and know they are alright

All depends on my health really, if I’m in pain and suffering then I’d rather just be gone and free from it all. Probably a glum way to look at it but that’s how I’d rather it be personally

blacklabrador I can relate to you, when I hit 40 everything went **** up health wise, before 40 I was in great shape

I'm 59 next week and would like to live until I'm 58 years and 364 days it cannot come soon enough for me, I've had enough of Existing and doing for others, I'm probably on this earth for a lot more years ( oh what joy )

Pinkspirit whoa! You are on this earth because you were given life, if you do too much for others then stop right now and get out and enjoy what you have! I too am 58… had cancer twice, I LOVE life!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE don’t wish it on yourself!

MandeeMayson I'm sorry that you have had cancer twice, but l DO wish it on myself, (l was given life??, )
l didn't ask for it, life is what you make it, so the saying goes, well l DON'T want to make anything with what l have and would trade places tomorrow with so many of the people that didn't get to get to my age.

MandeeMayson It is extremely concerning that she has this attitude and such disregard for life, especially given her nature of employment.

ThatsAGreatDeal sorry but why is that concerning? Her employment has nothing to do with it doesn't mean she wishes it on anyone else only for herself no one knows what's she has gone through for her to feel the way she does I don't agree with her point of view myself but it's hers to have

Leannexxx You do know what she does as an occupation right? The ramifications of her mindset are huge and as such, in my own personal opinion, she should not be working in the public Care sector with vulnerable people. Yes of course she is entitled to her own point of view and it's hers to have, which emphasises my original point of concern regarding her position of employment.

ThatsAGreatDeal why shouldn't she? I know what she does lol for god sakes I bet you have said stuff doesn't mean your gonna put anyone at risk

Pinkspirit without meaning to sound condescending AT ALL, I think it would be a good idea for you to have a chat with your GP, as you probably suffer from depression. Let's sat that's "an informed opinion". I wish you all the best

anasg not necessarily. You can’t say from a couple of comments that someone probably has depression.
Yours sincerely a psychologist with a masters in mental health science, personal, educational, and employement of the mental health sector who has similar thoughts to pinkspirit and does not have nor suffer with, nor ever has had, depression.

ThatsAGreatDeal ramifications of what? Of working in healthcare? So what.
The majority of healthcare staff, from consultants to carers, probably have some form of mental health problem, have had or will have suicidal ideation, high levels of alcoholism and suicide rates. There was a study a few years ago that nearly every single emergency services staff ember from control to road staff will develop some sort of ptsd within 3 years.
Stop letting stigma cloud your judgement. Some of the best, safest, most supportive and caring people I know struggle with their mental health and/or suicidal ideation.
The only time to worry is when it’s a pilot who’s just scared of dying alone…

jalexboberts like I said, mine is also an informed opinion. I was just trying to help, and it was just a suggestion. Your comments seem to be not very helpful, and, quite frankly, a bit aggressive. I have said what I wanted to pinkspirit, so that's me done with this issue.

Mr T and I were chatting about the human life span and commenting that it is probably as well we don't all live longer then we do as the pain increases day by day, and, we see all the flaws in the 'system' which would challenge your mental state if you lived to be 300! There are many people who would continue to wreak havoc on the world for far longer than they do now and finally the planet is not able to support the current population! Imagine how many more people there would be if all those who had died in the last 200 years were still alive.... It would be like playing sardines.

I reckon about 85 if I don't croak it before then. However, if I were as fit as Di*k van *D*k* at 99 I wouldn't mind living longer!

Lynibis He is absolutely amazing. He still goes to the gym times a week. Plus he is still working, such a fantastic career.

Lynibis He does come across as a nice man but he has a few a women in his life and an affair and was an alcoholic. But we are not all perfect!

Lynibis I never really thought about his name before but now that I see all those asterixes I realise what an interesting name he has. I'd like to live a long life but not sure that is on the cards and without reasonable health I wouldn't like to live too long. I guess 92 would be nice if I still have reasonable health up to that point. Of course when I'm 92 I'll probably be asking for 102 or more. The planet needs far less people in it and the UK really can only support a population of between 30-40 million. I.e. grow enough crops to feed itself. If I live to 92 as well as me not being in great shape I'm pretty sure the planet won't be either.

I would love to live for as long as possible as long as I was mentally and physically capable of doing so. I don't want to live with daily (extreme) pain or be a burden on my family.

It all depends on your health and your quality of life. Some people live to 100 but haven't had a good quality of life etc for a while. As long as I'm healthy, have all my faculties and am mobile then as long as possible.

You hit the nail on the head, i want to live as long as possible, as long as i still am able to get about and look after myself.

If my mind is in tact, I’m mobile and relatively healthy and I still have loved ones to be around, then for as long as I can

I suppose it all depends on my health and fitness, I see friends I know who are in a terrible state and I just hope that doesn't happen to me.

Im 43 so maybe another 10 years. 15 at the most. Way I feel I'll be lucky to make it to that age. I just want to be successful at something.

I think another factor to think about is how the world will be in the future for us to live in
It doesn't look promising at the moment , but with innovations and the attempts to save the planet it could improve, if it is given the chance to

telmel I'm sure we don't want to know as the closer we get to it the more we have to think about it . Although I am financially prepared for it I would rather it be later than sooner .

My parents were told numerous times i wouldn’t make it through the night when i was 37 in itu with sepsis. Luckily i did and 6 years later im still not over it but as they say count everyday as a blessing.

As long as I have independence reasonable health and can look after myself then fine. Once that dissappears then I think I would probably be ready to go .

Mango4 I have a neighbour in hospital at the moment, he is 75, lost his wife 18 months ago and is giving up. He has family and many friends.

This is fantastic. I would like to live until I am 100 years old and receive a telegram from the King.

Bubble12 We had a neighbour who lived to over a 100 and I actually saw one of these cards which was sent by the Queen at the time.

As long as I have sound mind I would be content to have a long life. My Nan was 99 when she died and lived independently until 97.

Not something I really think about, I have emphysema so I know I won't live another 10 years, it is what it is.....

I think it would depend on quality of life and happiness at a certain age. I would like to be independent too

suevernon1968 It is a bit like that, you wake up in the morning and your still alive. But when my time comes I would like to go to bed and die in my sleep. Really don’t want to be in a hospital.

eyeballkerry i can understand that. Thats what my mum wanted. She died at home surrounded by the family (well the ones she liked lol). She had terminal cancer but I wouldn’t allow anyone to give an estimate of when she would die. On the morning of her death she told me she was starting to feel better and promptly ate two rounds of egg, bacon and sausage sandwiches!
It was beautifully peaceful - she just slipped away in her sleep. It is such a lovely memory to have as I had been her main carer and just to be her daughter as she slipped away was beautiful.

PhilipMarc My father in law is 92. In 2019 he had eight heart attacks. He is now fitter than he was and still going strong.

I would like to know when I was going to die so I could plan backwards. I’m not in very good health at the moment (if only all these doctors actually knew something) and quite frankly if there isn’t long left in the whole scheme of things ie never reach retirement. I would like to stop working whilst I’m ill.

Gromit22 I completely understand what you mean. The main reason I would like to know is should I spend my money before it is too late.

eyeballkerry definitely it’s no point saving or having a pension if you’re never going to spend them

Gromit22 I knew someone who worked all their life, paid into a pension and then died at 65. Seems so unfair.

eyeballkerry unfortunately this happened to my mum’s partner he was just about to retire and died at 64, this was nearly 20 years ago. It continues to feel unfair he worked as a stonemason since school and his wife had died early too. We all seem to work and very few get to enjoy the retirement years fully.
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