As Well as a like Option Should There Be a Dislike Option Too?
I have noticed that there is no way of emphasising if a deal is bad or not. Would it be better for the site if there was a dislike option so people are not drawn to the bad deals?
I couldn't agree more - I did suggest just a few days ago that there should actually be a way to report OBVIOUSLY scam deals.
One (there are many more) I noticed was a piece of jewelery (probably similar to that you'd find in a poor quality Christmas cracker) but was valued by the scammer at £268 but was being offered for FREE - with a P&P charge of £8.99
The sad part is that many members (judging by the likes and people saying they've ordered) are actually taken in by this type of scam.
It's my opinion that anything with anything but a very nominal, and fair, delivery charge should not be advertised as FREE. (It devalues this site Tom Kelsey )
This is the type of "FREE" deal I refer to.
Morning theraspberry33
Thanks for the feedback!
We previously had a chat topic about a dislike or downvote option and the general feeling/idea was that if someone didn't like a deal it was better if they left a comment explaining why, rather than an anonymous downvote.
Technically, the infrastructure is all there to have a downvote - it would just depend on if that was what the majority of people wanted
Agree. Just don't vote if you don't like. The good deals will get lots of hearts and as you say, if you don't like you should be willing to say why so others can avoid.
But surely as things are not supposed to be listed as FREE if a purchase is required - shouldn't the purchase of POSTAGE and PACKING (in the instance I used as an example)- make such a deal to be against guidelines. £8.99 for a FREE thing that probably arrives in a small jiffy bag with minimum postage does seem to be a little excessive. (or perhaps because of the supposed £268 value - they're using Securicor)
I personally think if a deal isn't for you just scroll on by or leave a comment saying why you feel it may not be quite the deal people are hoping for. If a deal posted only gets a couple of likes it still has been of some benefit to those people so it's still a positive post. I like the positive feel on LD and I would be disappointed to see a thumbs down. Ive only been on here a short time but love it
This reminds me, people on Facebook were stupid enough to download and install a so-called "Dislike Button for Facebook" which was just a virus.
Now, if you don't like someone either ignore or reply making your point.
It would be better if people commented on the posts and stated that they were scams or to be aware of the seller instead of having a downvote button. The OP is probably not aware that they have posted a deal that's not your taste. They may have posted it because they thought it was a good deal at the time. I think it's more productive to report these posts using report or just scroll on past.
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