Plane Crash in Washington
In the News
It's very sad. The helicopter was part of the army and a number of those on the plane were part of the skating team. Some were kids with their mums.

I have just been reading about why the The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System , which is the last resort to warn of a collision didn´t work
Itś because the plane was so low as it was about to land and the system did not detect a problem , it only works above a height of 100 feet
They are still investigating so reasons might change
Lets hope the system wasn´t hacked into to cause this, its all very strange it involved a military helicopter in commercial airspace

Absolutely awful news! It is so scary and sad that this still happens. Rest in peace to those that were lost.

didbygraham Playing the Blame Game is just about the worst sort of debate there is.

MelissaLee1 totally off and insensitive which is to be expected of tge orange goblin

So sad to hear. Definitely not expected to hear such sad news when they say air travel is the safest form of travel available
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