Premium Rate Texts
Watch out for texts from 69003 69005 or any similar numbers.
These are premium rate texts. Sending STOP ALL to them may stop them but they will charge for receiving that text and it may not work.
I have recently received 2 of these and they can only have got my phone number from comp or freebies sites. I am careful about which I enter but it is still a risk.
My phone provider said that they can't block them and just referred me to TPS. To register with them either
visit their website - there are sites online pretending to be TPS so be careful of this
Call the registration line on 0345 070 0707
Text TPS and your email address to 85095
Post your details to Telephone Preference Service (TPS), DMA House, 70 Margaret Street, London, W1W 8SS
Fax your details to 020 7323 4226
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