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Retiring Abroad Any Expats?


Any expats here living abroad and retiring happily somewhere hot and sunny? If so how do you handle your pensions and finances?

over a year ago
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Interesting thread, but shame no one has replied (there is a website where British immigrants share their suggestions and recommendations, though).

I wonder if British expats use U.K. power strips and plugs rather than Euro ones if they're in European countries as the voltage is the same, and British plugs are safer to use (+ change the fuse). Just not in Canada/America where they have different voltage, for example.

Love switching the Euro plugs to U.K. plugs and it's very easy to, anyone can do it pretty much (just follow the instructions on the piece of paper that comes with the plug).


Under current rules a UK pensioner who moves abroad will have their state pension frozen at the level it was at when they left the UK or first claimed their pension overseas, unless their new country of residence has an agreement with the UK that says otherwise.


Pjran Sounds like a good policy to me but what happens if they return to the UK for a few months and claim here will it reset to the full pension or is it permanently now a lower figure? If there is a easy workaround seems pointless. I would hope they would have to return to the UK for lets say 3 years before it would revert to a full pension.


BonzoBanana I’m sure someone will find a way round it. There’s always a clause that can be exploited!


Pjran That is the trouble with a lot of legislation they don't factor in sneaky cheapskates like myself.


No but good look sounds amazing I’d love to retire abroad cocktail in hand!

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