What Are You Scared Of.
I hate spiders, snakes, doctor who and punch and Judy. When I was little doctor who put the fear of god in me. And it still does to day. Just hearing the doctor who music sends me shaking. And it's the same with punch and Judy. What are you scared of.🕷🕸
My biggest fear is frogs. No idea where it came from. I saw one about 20 years ago and well I wasn’t in a pleasant state.
I’m not good with bugs either but frogs ewwwww xx
I know some people who are scared frogs . They will not go for walks in case they see any. When they do see a frog they start to yell and shake.
My granny was terrified of frogs! You couldn't even wear a cartoon frog on your t shirt! No idea why they scared her so much, but she hated them!
Thats what I like and I can’t explain where the feat came from. I went on a date once and was holding his hand and a frog jumped in front of me and I ran and screamed cried shook. And never saw him again ha ha ha xx
Mine is spiders and heights. I cry at both. Oh and I don't really like dogs either. They put the wind up me.
I hate heights. Try not to go over bridges. Or high buildings .spiders give goose bumps . Just writing this I've got them.
Spiders and moths.
We have had 4 biggish spiders in the house in the past couple of weeks. I guess we are at that time of year again.
nicolajaynehend Finding a spider isn't the problem. It's when you find it in one place and after turning your head for about a second you see that it's gone.
Please regular can u takeout pic off .. like I said even pictures or toy ones make me I'll n eventually I'll end up panic attack or seizure xx
jojowane67 I didn't notice where you said that. I am very sorry about that. I have removed it now. xx
Animals, you say? I suppose I'm afraid of snakes, crocodiles, lions.. Well, you know, ones which aren't usually in contact with human and see you nothing more as a piece of meat.
Can't say I'm scared of spiders but I'd stay away from it and possibly put it down, if necessary. I do hate mosquitoes, bees and flies who'll suck your blood and leave you with a desire to scratch the area the bugger sucked. There's times when I'd hear mosquitoes flying over my head and I was sleeping, so too deep asleep to do anything about that.
That the government do so much Police campaigns to educate people how to behave in certain situations when they should be there. I feel like we need to sort out things what we not meant to deal with...
Spiders, snakes and wasps! When I was younger my dad would catch the spiders and put them outside, not before he pretended to throw it at you though! My husband does the same thing now.
Ants, they are absolutely revolting they make me feel sick. I do everything possible to keep them from my garden. I would take a house full of spiders over 1 ant being in my house, I'm being deadly serious!
Hi Lizzie thank you for your reply. What kine of snakes are they. And what are there names. I am scared of snakes.
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